This is how you find which restaurants are taking part in ‘eat out to help out’
You can see ALL of them within 2km
Getting a bit anxious about the vast amount you’ve been spending on ASOS in lockdown to cheer you up? Excellent! You’ll be glad to hear the Eat-Out to Help-Out scheme is starting next Monday. This means you can carry on with the boredom purchases, only this time you’re helping the hospitality industry stay afloat in this economic shitstorm.
Rishi Sunak’s scheme to help the hospitality industry means you can get a decent 50 per cent off meals at participating restaurants including popular chains like McDonald’s who’ll be selling 50p cheeseburgers.
But how do you find out which restaurants and chains near you are participating. Don’t worry, Rishi’s got you covered. To find places closest to you that are taking part in the scheme, simply type your postcode into this handy gov.uk tool to get a list of restaurants and bars within five miles.
You may still be spending your money, but contributing to the industry outweighs all the spending so happy days!
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