Quiz: Finish the lyrics of these songs from pop princesses of the last decade
Do you know your Ariana from your Taylor?
Pop Princesses was THE album of our childhoods, filled with classic noughties bangers. They haven’t made an updated Pop Princesses CD in years, but if they did, it would be filled with the likes of Ariana Grande, Little Mix and Taylor Swift. Not forgetting Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and, well, loads more. I can’t tell you them all, because that’s the whole point of this quiz, isn’t it?
From bops you’d sing into hairbrushes at secondary school sleepovers, to bangers you’d scream in the SU club, the 2010s were an iconic time for pop princesses.
So go ahead, put your knowledge of pop princesses of the last decade to the test, and finish all the lyrics on this quiz:
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