The 13 straight-up dumbest moments in Netflix movie The Princess Switch 2

Make it make sense, please

Roll up roll up! Netflix has blessed us with another horrifically trashy but downright incredible festive film – in the shape of The Princess Switch 2.

Now, if you watched the first one you might have been thinking that was the story all tucked up and finished with, but alas! No! Netflix somehow thought that the natural progression for a film which (already quite wildly) contains two people who happen to be identical and swap places – was to add another lookalike! Yep, a third Vanessa Hudgens character. What a Christmas miracle.

If you can’t tell where this is going I’ll give you a clue – the second movie is dumb. But best believe we’ll soak up every last drop of it like a warm mulled wine on Christmas Eve. Delicious. Here are the straight-up dumbest, but also beautifully ~inspired~ moments from A Princess Switch 2: Switched Again, on Netflix.

1. They actually turned real life people in decorations

The Princess Switch 2, Princess Switch, Switched Again, festive, holiday, Christmas, movie, film, Netflix, review, reviews, reactions, moments, dumb, best, silly

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I’m going to hazard a guess that the security at the palace is not at its best, seeing as should there be any sort of threat the guards have to step out of actual boxes after being dressed as toy soldiers. Come on, we know you guys love Christmas but dressing up real life human beings is a bit far.

2. I’m sorry, but food fights in cheesy films are just unnecessary

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The scene where Nick and Margaret have a food fight with the flour is so typically romcom it actually hurts. Do people actually do stuff like that in real life? Did anyone else get stressed out at their seeming assumption that it’s fine because it’s obviously someone’s job to come along and clean up after them? Just rude, if you ask me.

3. The pure existence of Fiona

The Princess Switch 2, Princess Switch, Switched Again, festive, holiday, Christmas, movie, film, Netflix, review, reviews, reactions, moments, dumb, best, silly

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Everything about her is dumb, from her awful hair, horrific accent, “minions” and the way she oozes I-would-click-my-fingers-at-a-waitor- energy. There is absolutely nothing about her that would exist in a real life person.



Ricky Norwood aka Fatboy from EastEnders just walked in as one of Fiona’s little sidekicks and I’m so done. Natural progression from Albert Square is Belgravia in a Netflix Original holiday film, clearly.

5. When they said there was a ‘slight family resemblance’ between Fiona and Margaret

Come on now, we don’t need to beat around the bush. People watching this film are invested, we’ve stuck it out for the sequel and you don’t need to desperately make this film seem realistic because we know it’s anything but. Fiona is Vanessa Hudgens, just like the others. They look identical.

The Princess Switch 2, Princess Switch, Switched Again, festive, holiday, Christmas, movie, film, Netflix, review, reviews, reactions, moments, dumb, best, silly


6. The three way switch was just too much to follow for what should be a trashy romcom

This film is meant to be typical Netflix garbage, that has very little plot but you sit and enjoy it nonetheless because you have nothing better to do with your evening. Yet here I am, racking my brains trying to work out if the person on my screen is Stacy, Margaret dressed as Stacy, Fiona thinking she’s being Margaret but actually she’s Stacy because Margaret switched with Stacy, or maybe it is Fiona?! I DON’T KNOW ANYMORE.

7. Edward being a lil horny teenager the whole time

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He’s meant to be a prince, yet here he is literally gagging for Stacy. Kinda rate him for it though, you go get it.


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I’m sorry, is this Shrek?

9. Are we ever going to find out the importance of this creepy old man or?


One burning question I’ve had since the first movie is, who the hell is this mysterious old man who shows up everywhere? What is his purpose? Are we meant to be scared of him? Is he…Santa? Honestly, this guy haunts The Princess Switch 1 and 2 and someone needs to tell me why or I won’t be able to sleep at night.

10. When they just thought they could disturb the poor priest at the airport

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This poor guy was just minding his own business, grabbing a coffee before his flight. Next thing you know he’s got a random woman all up in his face begging he marry her and some random guy right here, right now. I was praying he do the honourable thing and tell her she’s being ridiculous, but no.

11. And then the entire airport wedding scene

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This wedding is a sham I tell you, a SHAM. Was it really necessary to do it right there and then? Couldn’t they have done a cute cut edit to them in a few weeks time getting married somewhere nice like they did with Edward and Stacy? Nope we’re meant to believe the actual queen just got married in an airport (with awful security, they just waltzed in past those barriers) with a random crowd of strangers as onlookers. There were no real vows, no paperwork and was that guy even a real priest? This is ridiculous and tbh, Nick and Margaret deserved more.

12. The A Christmas Prince cameo at the coronation

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Netflix has teased us of the existence of a Netflix Christmas movie universe – where all the films are somehow linked together. But how DARE Netflix mess with my head like this. They were watching A Christmas Prince in the first movie and now they’re at the coronation?!!! My mind is blown. Honestly, my face was much like the baby in the above picture, questioning everything that is real in the world.

13. Somehow they are going to make a third movie?

Surely they won’t throw in a fourth Vanessa Hudgens character? Where do we go from here?!

The Princess Switch: Switched Again is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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