Build a Christmas dinner and we’ll tell you what uni you should’ve gone to
Gammon? York
A lot divides this country, but none more so than the humble Christmas dinner. There’s just so many components to it, each with their own very specific vibe. Turkey? You love tradition and would fit right in at Durham. Nut roast? You’re overall good vibes, just like Leeds uni. And gammon just has York energy, sorry.
Christmas day may have been ruined for millions of people across the country, but there’s one thing that Boris Johnson and his endless tier system simply cannot take from us, and that thing is quizzes.
This quiz is simple: Pretend it’s Christmas, and build your perfect dinner, complete with starter, main, pudding, and of course multiple drinks options. To gravy or not to gravy? Delve into the innermost depths of your psyche to find out. Then when you’re done soul-searching via a metaphorical Christmas dinner, we’ll scientifically judge your overall vibe and be able to tell you once and for all which uni you’re emotionally aligned with and defo should have applied for way back in year 13.
Taking this quiz will probably be more enjoyable than your actual Christmas day:
Related stories recommended by this writer:
• If you have any of these items in your Christmas dinner you are a literal villain
• This country’s obsession with pigs in blankets need to stop