Just 33 It’s A Sin tweets and reactions for when you’ve finished crying over the show
I am highkey in love with this show and its entire cast
It’s A Sin is the most important TV show you will ever watch. It’s been called a masterpiece, with people saying it’s taught us more than school ever did – both about queer history and sex education. But as well as the crucial lessons it teaches us, It’s A Sin is about a beautiful friendship between five young people – and it’s given us more tweets, memes and reactions than I know what to do with.
Of course, everyone is in love with every single character and cast member, including Jill, Colin and Colin’s beloved mum. People are also calling out the show for making them cry more than they ever thought humanly possible, and generally praising it for being a groundbreaking and vital TV show.
Here are some of the best It’s A Sin tweets, memes and reactions:
1. Jill if you’re reading this: I love you
2. I just wanna be that suit
3. Brb getting this tattooed on myself forever x
4. ‘Hun believe me, you NEED to watch it’
5. It’s a song! And a show! Who knew!
6. It’s A Sin taught us more about LGBTQ+ history than school ever did
7. And it taught us more than sex ed did, too
8. The only man I will ever truly love
9. What a woman!!!
10. I am Pam, Pam is me
11. This is now a Colin’s mum stan account x
13. I can only hope to one day be half as cool as she is
14. Wow crazy that! Who would’ve guessed!
15. The true ally everyone needs
16. Every. Single. Day
17. Preach
18. Nothing to see here
19. Yep

via Twitter
20. Even Drag Race queen Tia Kofi is a fan
21. Ha ha um shall I stick the kettle on? Guys?
22. Hey Siri play No Tears Left To Cry by Ariana Grande
23. Highkey want to marry them all, pls can someone arrange this thanks
24. Agreed
26. 100 per cent needed
27. Three words: Callum Scott Howells
28. A very important convo to have
29. Okay I’ve changed my mind, this is the tatt I’m getting
30. The energy I’m bringing to the rest of 2021
31. Help me
32. 100 per cent
33. Lmk if you need a chat xx
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