Married at First Sight UK is looking for single people to apply to this year’s show
Are you single? Did you break up with your significant other during lockdown, or have you not bothered to go on dates this year because you didn’t want to break the rules? Are you pining to find love, but have exhausted Hinge, Tinder and Bumble? Well, if you’re up for trying something new and taking part in the most bizarre matchmaking experiment out there, Married at First Sight UK is looking for singletons for this year’s show and you can apply right now. But be quick, because MAFS UK applications are closing soon, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on your chance to be your very own Jules and Cam.
Married at First Sight Australia Season 6 is currently showing on E4 right now, and it’s got everyone hooked. MAFS Australia is filmed slightly different to the current UK version as instead of legit, legal weddings the couples take part in a commitment ceremony – meaning if you decide it’s not for you it’s easier to get out of. MAFS Aus has been so successful here that the UK version is going to change their filming to be more like the Australian show.
E4 said: “Following the Australian format, rather than legal marriages, the couples will make a lifelong commitment to one another at a glamorous ceremony, overseen by a wedding celebrant, that includes guests, bridal gowns, dancing, speeches and cake.
Lee McMurray, Commissioning Editor, Factual Entertainment, said: “I’m thrilled to be refreshing one of the portfolio’s most popular brands for E4, bringing extra scale and ambition to what is already one of the most audacious and provocative experiments on television, and delivering what we hope will be the most exciting series yet.”
Married at First Sight Australia Season 6 is available to watch on All 4 now.
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