If you miss the Drag Race UK queens already, here’s what they’re up to on TikTok
Ginny Lemon’s TikTok is something else
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK ended last Thursday and we’re all still coming down off the high that this outstanding series gave us. After the weekly dose of the queens stopped, we all raced to their Instagram and Twitter accounts so we can stay on top of what they’re getting up to, when they’re touring the country and if Tayce and A’Whora are dating yet?!
However, the queens have one more social media outlet you may not have rinsed – TikTok. Lawrence Chaney, Ellie Diamond and Cherry Valentine are big TikTokkers, whereas queens like Tayce and A’Whora are more sporadic with their content. Veronica Green, unfortunately, doesn’t have an account and although Bimini does she doesn’t post on it – enjoy!
The Drag Race UK queens on TikTok:
Lawrence Chaney
TikTok handle: @thelawrencechaney
The winner of this season’s Drag Race UK is pretty active on TikTok and has one of the biggest accounts out of all the queens. Lawrence Chaney has 56.5k followers on the app and generally posts videos posing in drag, clips from the show and close-ups of her many Ru Peter badges.
TikTok handle: @tayce.official
Tayce’s TikTok account is smaller with just under 4,600 followers. Tayce has a handful of videos which are mainly clips from the show, however, she’s gone a bit quiet and hasn’t posted on the page for a few weeks now.
Ellie Diamond
TikTok handle: @elliediamondofficial
No surprise the youngest queen also has the most followers on TikTok, with 92.9k fans. Ellie has loads of videos on her page, ranging from TikTok dances and Drag Race clips to voice-overs and make up looks.
Ginny Lemon
TikTok handle: @ginnylemon69
If you love Ginny Lemon’s Insta content, you’ll love their TikTok videos. The vids are basically all just Ginny taking the piss out of themself, doing handstands against the wall, singing to Kate Bush and pretending to be the sun from Teletubbies – it’s a whole journey.
TikTok handle: @awhoraqueen
A’Whora has 15.4k followers on TikTok but only eight videos. Her content is mostly reshares from her Instagram and funny impressions.
Bimini Bon Boulash
TikTok handle: @biminibabes
Bimini has just over 3,500 followers and no videos – well worth a follow.
Tia Kofi
TikTok handle: @tiakofi
Unlike Bimini, Tia Kofi is fairly active on TikTok and posts videos ranging from best bits, funny stitches, transformation vids and make up looks. Her page has 17.7k followers.
Joe Black
TikTok handle: @misterjoeblack
Joe Black is another pretty active TikToking queen. Her bio says: “Cabaret reprobate. Drag something. Aspiring supervillain. Drag Race UK Season 2” and her page consists of make up looks and videos of her hairless cat called Klaus Augustus Black. Despite all of this tempting content, Joe only has 10.6k followers.
Cherry Valentine
TikTok handle: @thecherryvalentine
Cherry Valentine is one of the more consistent TikTokkers, posting a new video every week. Her videos are mostly of her transformation from out of drag into her flawless make up. Cherry has just over 30k followers and deserves more.
Asttina Mandella
TikTok handle: @asttinamandella
Asttina is definitely not a keen TikTokker, with only 1,300 followers and eight videos. However, her most recent video was a collab with A’Whora and Bimini and is worth a watch.
Sister Sister
TikTok handle: @officialsistersister
And finally, Sister Sister’s TikTok is pretty bare but very entertaining. It’s full of videos of her dancing, lipsyncing and showing off the drag looks we didn’t get to see on the show.
You can catch up on series two of Drag Race UK on BBC iPlayer here.
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