What is the Josh fight meme that is due to take place on April 24th?
Grab a Josh immediately
The world is a strange place at the best of times, but it’s currently being made that bit stranger with the ‘Josh fight’ meme which is due to take place on April 24th. Mass-memed events such as these don’t come around often – remember the whole “storm Area 51” meme event causing international news scenes despite only a handful of people actually making good on their promise and turning up? It was dumb, but it sure was a fun week. So, can the Josh fight compare?
Well, before you grab every friend named Josh for this weekend coming – let’s actually establish some things. What exactly is the Josh fight meme that is due to take place on April 24th? Does it have anything to do with the awful “Rape Day” hoax some TikTokers are claiming is due to happen on April 24th? Here’s everything we know about the Josh fight meme.
What is the April 24th Josh fight meme?
The story starts all the way back in 2020, where someone called Josh made a Facebook group chat with a load of people named Josh. The main Josh then encouraged all of the other people named Josh to fight against each other a year later on the 24th April.
Josh Swain was straight out of the competition, but that didn’t stop the main Josh from explaining the terms of the fight, saying that whoever wins “gets to keep the name.” Understandably, as the date draws closer, the Josh’s of the world are getting prepared for what is expected to be an almighty battle.
Where is the Josh fight due to take place?
Before British people named Josh get their hopes up, entering the coordinates into a map shows that the fight is due to take place in a field in Nebraska, USA.
Now, whether it’s someone else trying to meme the fight even further or this is genuine, someone posted the below message that someone has written on a wooden pallet – in front of what looks suspiciously like a field in Nebraska, USA…
“No Josh Fight here,” it reads. “Private Property. Please go to Bowling Lake Park for Josh vs Josh vs Josh. (May the best Josh win).”
The best part about the above image? Take a look at that orange pole that the sign rests on, then look at this Google street view image from the exact location of the Josh fight:
So that’s it, apologies to any British people named Josh that wanted to battle for Josh supremacy, maybe next time? And for all the American Josh fighters – may the odds be ever in your favour.
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