Sorry but if you relate to 39/47 of these things then you’re definitely cheugy
Please stop calling your plants your ‘children’
Cheugy is currently TikTok’s favourite word and by now you probably know what it means to be cheugy, but in case you had any doubt if you’re cheugy, then we’ve compiled a list of the 47 things that make you cheugy.
The word has been around since 2013 but went viral a few weeks ago on TikTok and now Gen-Z are using it to take the piss out of millennials even more.
It’s essentially about being interested in things that were cool or on trend a few years ago. Like the obsession with prosecco or still reposting all the birthday shoutouts you get on Instagram.
The most obvious cheugy things are a love of Disney, Starbucks personalised refillable cups and the phrase “this one”. However there’s actually far more to it than that. There are things you probably do that you don’t even realise are subtly cheugy, like calling yourself a “plant mum” or being obsessed with getting a grey French bulldog.
No one really wants to be cheugy and yet we’ve all got a bit of cheug in us, and you will have definitely done a decent chunk of things on the following list.
If you own or do at least half of these things then you’re very cheugy:
1. Being obsessed with Apple products
2. Loving Friends, Harry Potter, Grey’s Anatomy, The Simpsons or the US Office an unhealthy amount
3. Being a Disney adult
4. Wearing skinny jeans
5. Having those exposed lightbulbs in your home
6. Starbucks merchandise
7. Particularly drinking out of one of those massive personalised refillable cups
8. Thinking Netflix is the greatest thing since sliced bread
9. Frequently doing spinning classes
10. Using the phrase “this one”
11. Similarly “boy did good”
12. Or even worse “my person” or “my human”
13. Caring about the Kardashians’ lives
14. Thinking Chrissy Teigen is the funniest person on Twitter
15. And that she and John Legend are “couple goals”
16. Any girl boss themed merchandise
17. Even using the word “girl boss”
18. Thinking drinking prosecco is a personality trait
19. Frosé
20. Going to any bar with pink neon light signs
21. Double points for taking pictures in front of them and posting on Instagram
22. Thinking a French bulldog is the only dog breed
23. Pop sockets
24. Anything rose gold
25. The phrase “not today satan”
26. Editing every photo with VSCO
27. Charcuterie boards
28. Marble anything
29. Wearing a denim jacket
30. Slogan tote bags
31. Double GG Gucci belts
32. Lasagne
33. Succulents
34. And referring to your plants as your “babies” or “children”
35. Buying stationery from Paperchase
36. Using Bumble and no other dating apps
37. Liking Coldplay
38. Matching his and hers items
39. Live, laugh, love signs
40. And any other wooden quote saying
41. Holidays in Dubai
42. Giving your car a name once you’re older than 18
43. John Green books
44. Taking pictures of your food shopping basket or trolley
45. Reposting all the birthday shoutouts stories you get on Instagram
46. Those water bottles which have timings of when to drink
47. Having multiple highlights saved on your Instagram profile that are all coordinated
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