This is how to show support and help for those in Palestine
Over 40 people have died since Monday
Over 40 people have died, including 13 Palestinian children, since conflict began on Monday. The current situation in Israel and Palestine has led to the UN fearing a “full scale war”, and so whilst you may feel pretty helpless sat at home, this is everything you can do to help and support Palestine.
The last few days has seen the largest outbreak of violence in the area since 2014. It began over the weekend when Israeli police entered the Al-Aqsa mosque and threw stun grenades inside.
There have also been other issues such as Sheikh Jarrah, a neighbourhood in Jerusalem, where “Palestinian families are fighting a court battle with Jewish settlers who want to take their homes, claiming the land is historically theirs.”
The rising tension from Sheikh Jarrah and the recent event at Al-Aqsa culminated in Hamas firing rockets into Israel and Israel jet striking Gaza on 10th May.
Now at least 43 Palestinians and six Israelis have been killed since Monday, with 13 children amongst this count. Over 300 more people have been injured in the events.
In order to offer support to those suffering in the ongoing conflict, these are all the resources you need to donate, protest and try and make a difference with:
Medical Aid for Palestine
Medical Aid for Palestine or MAP are a registered charity who are on the ground right now supporting those injured.
They are providing essential medications, dressing and fluids. They are also supporting the central blood bank.
To donate visit their website here where you can select a monthly or one off donation.
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund has been working in the Middle East for over 25 years constantly offering surgery and urgent aid to children of all religions and nationalities.
Donations you send will help provide medication, send volunteer surgeons and other humanitarian services.
To donate visit their website here where you can select a monthly or one off donation.
Palestine Appeal by Muslim Relief
Registered charity Muslim Relief have set up a Just Giving page in order to provide essentials to those affected by conflict.
They are aiming to provide clean water, food packages, warm meals, clothes and more essentials.
To donate, visit the Just Giving page here.
Write to your MP:
If you can’t afford to donate you can still try and enact change by writing to your MP.
FOA is a non-profit group campaigning for humans rights, and on their website they provide specific letter templates you can use to send to your MP such as a letter about saving Sheikh Jarrah.
All you have to do is enter your details and send off the email. Find details here.
Protests have been going on globally asking for governments to step in and end the violence.
One already took place in London this week with over 8,000 people turning up.
Another is being planned for this Saturday 15th May. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK is co-hosting a march to the Israeli Embassy. To find out more details, visit the event page on Facebook.
There are also other protests planned around the UK such as Bristol and Exeter so check your local area for updates.
Featured image credit: Tayfun Salci/ZUMA Wire/Shutterstock
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