If the M.I.High characters went to uni, this is where they would go
Rose just missed her Oxbridge offer
For years, M.I.High made primary school students use their pencils as walkie talkies, unlikeable classmates were designated as the SKUL Grand Master (minus the rabbit), and school cupboard light switches were thoroughly examined for secret fingerprint scanners. Or at least that’s what happened at my school.
With Series 1-7 of the hit CBBC show arriving on iPlayer, it simply would have been rude not to watch all of them (shoutout to my housemates for letting me do this). After being fully immersed in the world of St Hopes School, Lenny the caretaker and the various gadgets they used, it once again became clear why everyone was so obsessed with this iconic show.
14 years after it was released, it’s time once and for all to decide where these scholastic secret agents would have gone to uni. After some intense discussion with housemates, it was ultimately pronounced that Blane would have easily assimilated into the Bristol stereotype, whilst Oscar would have thrived at Exeter as a silly fresh.
Daisy Millar – Edinburgh
Daisy was one of the original M.I High spies, starring in series one and two. With her bleach blonde hair, quirky headbands and slightly grating voice, Daisy absolutely reeks of Edinburgh.
In “The Power Thief” we learn that her father is the chairman of a museum trustee board; because of this, she has met the Queen and lives in a big country estate, although she tells no-one at her school. Massive Tory energy here.
Sounds exactly like Edinburgh girls, although they defo wouldn’t keep it a secret x
Blane Whittaker – Bristol
Blane’s bad boy haircut but privileged upbringing would ensure that he went straight to Bristol.
As per tradition for the majority of Bristol boys, he would venture into the realm of trying to become a (slightly shit) DJ, with second-hand decks bought off Facebook Marketplace.
His questionable dress sense of a t-shirt over a polo shirt would be a hit in Hiatt Baker though.
Rose Gupta – Durham
Although Rose loved to preach about how intellectual she was, she defo would have just missed out on her Oxbridge offer due to all that spy work.
Naturally this would have led to her trotting off to Durham, where she could complain about the unfairness of it all. Better luck next time hunni x
At the time she was seen as incredibly lame, but the geek-chic look she’s got going on wouldn’t be out of place there. Low-po who?
Carrie Stewart – Warwick
You know what Warwick is, you know it’s a fairly good uni, but you’re not sure about the specifics. Such is the same for Carrie, who remains a bit of a mystery throughout the two seasons she’s on.
Wears her M.I. High uniform religiously so there’s a good chance she’d love a bit of sports stash.
Oscar Dixon-Halliday – Exeter
Arguably the fittest out of them all, Oscar was the one that everyone had a secret crush on. With his flowing golden locks and double-barrelled surname he would fit right in at Exeter, where he would look like 99 per cent of the boys.
Probably missed his offer by a couple of grades but Exeter still let him in for his good EPQ score. Later in the series we find out that can speak 14 languages, which would be a great asset to impress his halls mates in Freshers’ Week.
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