I’ve got a text! Meet the FULL list of official cast members of Love Island 2021
It’s official! The long-awaited cast of Love Island 2021 is finally here. After what feels like a million years of waiting, we can finally get a glimpse of the Islanders we will soon become obsessed with over the coming weeks.
From a PE teacher, to an events host and a waitress in Nando’s – the cast this year sure do bring a lot. This year Love Island producers have promised the most diverse cast ever, and a series which is “bigger and better” than ever to match. So, ahead of the show starting next Monday (eeeeek!), meet the full Love Island 2021 cast here.
Sharon Gaffka, Age: 25
Sharon is 25 and from Oxford. She currently works as a civil servant as operations lead for the Department of Transport and has been a civil servant since she was 18. When asked why she wanted to take part in Love Island, she said: “It’s been a bit of a running joke between my friendship group for a while that I should apply, probably because I’m the most outrageous one out of the group. But also because of COVID and the lockdown, I’m the only single one in my friendship group. They’re either married or planning on getting married. I don’t want to be the only one in the group chat that is single anymore!”
She says her perfect date is someone who is taller than her, and can match her on an intellectual level. Sharon, who is also a beauty queen and Law grad, was announced as one of the first Islanders over the weekend.
Aaron Francis, Age: 24
Aaron is a luxury events host from London. Through his job, Aaron has worked at Royal weddings and met Eugenie and Beatrice over the summer.
He said he’s come to Love Island because he has been single for about six or seven months and the dating world at the moment is “a little bit off”. “Everyone’s wearing masks. You can’t really see anyone which makes dating a lot harder. I do prefer relationships than dating”, he said. His ideal date is someone who is passionate.
Liberty Poole, Age: 21
Liberty is a waitress and marketing student from Birmingham. She says she usually likes players and goes for a “tall, alpha male, confident, a cheeky chappy sort of guy.” She works at Nando’s and says boys often rinse her for a date with her discount.
When asked why she’s joined the Love Island 2021 cast, Liberty said: “I’ve never had that nice, happy relationship so I think it will be nice and something for me to experience. Obviously I want the best summer ever because we have been in lockdown for a year so it would be nice to go away and enjoy the sun and make friends as well. I’m excited, I’m a bit of a social butterfly so I love to meet new people. I’m a girls’ girl as well so I can’t wait for the girly friendships. It’s going to be fun!”
Hugo Hammond, Age: 24
Hugo is a PE teacher from Hampshire. He says he sees Love Island as “an opportunity to have an amazing fun summer and put myself back out there.”
For the 2021 series, Love Island producers said they were looking at finding Islanders with disabilities to create a more diverse cast. Hugo was born with clubfoot and played cricket for England PD (Physical Disability). “I had lots of operations when I was a kid. You can only really tell when I walk barefoot. I’ve got a really short achilles heel. I walk slightly on my tip toes,” he said.
Shannon Singh, Age: 22
Shannon is a 22-year-old model from Fife, Scotland. She used to be a glamour model when she was 18 and says she “loved those days, I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of, they were my glory days.” Now, she works more on Instagram and YouTube and has done some commercial modelling and can DJ as well.
When looking for a partner, she said: “I don’t feed off looks, I feed off energy, I need someone with personality. Just someone I can have fun with. I’m a party girl, I love going out, I’m very social. For me it’s quite hard to find people who are genuine and looking for what you’re looking for. I’m not just going to go with anyone because they’re convenient. I need to make sure they’re for me. Looks – obviously, they’ve got to be handsome, but if he’s a handsome hunk but it’s like talking to a brick wall and I’d rather watch paint dry, it’s not going to be great.”
Jake Cornish, Age: 24
24-year-old Jake is a water engineer from Weston-super-Mare. He was in a relationship for seven years and then when lockdown hit, was single. “Looks wise, always gone for blondes. But for me, the main thing is having respect and having good fun, and someone who will be loyal to you,” he said. “I’ve had messages from girls that have got boyfriends and husbands. This is why I don’t trust anyone. Someone who is loyal really. But when I’m single, I like having a good time!”
He says his ideal woman is TOWIE’s Billie Faiers. “She’s a lady, she’s just lush,” he said.
Kaz Kamwi, Age: 26
Kaz is a fashion blogger from Essex who says she loves meeting new people and is ready to be in a relationship. When asked how her family and friends would describe her, she said: “I’m fun, dramatic, spontaneous. Friendly as well. Light-hearted. Life is a party – I’m not the mum in the group, my friends are not looking at me to look after them!”
Brad McClelland, Age: 26
Brad is a labourer from Northumberland. He’s been single for two years, lives with his nana and has never been on a date! His celebrity crushes include ex-Islander Zara McDermott, Megan Fox and Sommer Ray. “I want to date face-to-face, I like meeting people. I’m easy going, laid back,” he said.
When asked how people at work would describe him, Brad added: “I try and make as much money as I can by doing as little as possible. They’d probably say – not lazy, as I’m energetic – I just try to get away with doing literally nothing.”
Chloe Burrows, Age: 25
Chloe is a financial marketing executive from Bicester who says she’s been in some “awful” situationships recently. She describes herself as funny, saying: “I’m always the funny one in a situation. I always try and make everyone laugh. Outgoing, I’m quite bubbly and always doing something.”
When asked what she looks for in a partner, Chloe said: “I like a good build. I go to the gym. I want someone who is funny. Really funny and caring and will do nice little things for you. And then obviously someone who you can depend on to not ditch you. Because I am quite a big character and quite loud, they would have to be as loud, if not more. I could never be with someone who is quiet. Someone that gives you a bit back.”
Toby Aromolaran, Age: 22
What Love Island cast list is complete without a semi pro footballer? This year’s is Toby from Essex who has never been in a relationship. “I’ve played football since I was about six, but it’s really come into a new light for the past year since I joined a team called Hashtag United,” he said. “They’re very social media focused. Everything is on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. Playing with them has really made me fall in love with the game again.”
When asked how his friends and family describe him, Toby said: “Optimistic. I always see the bright side in the worst situations. I’m a fun guy when I go on a night out. Responsible guy as well.”
Faye Winter, Age: 26
26-year-old Faye is a lettings manager from Devon. She said: “I go out and do valuations, win business for the company and I’ll do the odd viewing and find tenants. My main role is the sales side of things. I absolutely love it! I’ve actually only taken a sabbatical from work because in my ideal world, I’d love to go back to work. I try to make it as Selling Sunset as possible. I’m definitely there in the mini dresses, boobs out, bum out, turning up and you can see the wives say to their husband, ‘You’re staying outside’. It’s so fun.”
In five years, Faye says she would like her own estate agency or charity shop. On top of that, she wants someone “who I can go on holidays and stuff with for the next couple of years, and have a really fun time. And then start thinking about kids and serious things in three or four years’ time.”
Love Island 2021 starts on Monday 28th June on ITV2. For all the latest Love Island news and gossip and for the best memes and quizzes, like The Holy Church of Love Island on Facebook.
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