Elle Woods’ best Legally Blonde outfits, ranked from iconic to even more iconic
What, like it’s hard to dress this well?
Did you know that Elle Woods wears 43 different outfits in Legally Blonde? Yes, I counted. Every single one of them is nothing but straight-up iconic – and there’s a whooooole lot of pink, obvs. I’d expect nothing less from our lord and saviour, queen Elle Woods.
From the pink fur jacket on a sun lounger look, to the pink leather two-piece suit and matching her tie with her dog Bruiser’s. The Legally Blonde wardrobe is so good that Reese Witherspoon, who plays Elle, literally had it written in to her contract so that she could keep everything she wears once filming had ended. This is a move I’m sure we’ll all agree, Elle herself would very much approve of.
Here are all the best outfits Elle Woods wears in Legally Blonde, ranked from iconic to even more iconic:
17. This green thing
Starting off strong with this green cardigan/jacket thing – it’s an iconic look and an iconic scene (remember when she finds out she’s got the internship and then tells Warner it’s better than when they shagged in a hot tub for four whole hours?), but it’s green – not very Elle. Thank you, next.
16. The purple floral hat
Elle cracks this hat out a couple of times, first when she goes to the library, and then again with this orange roll neck and purple fur jacket, in the perfect combination of Velma and Daphne from Scooby Doo. Wearing this Elle manages to get Paulette’s dog back for her, and I’m pretty sure it’s all down to the hat.
15. Shopping in blue sequin
This is near the start of the film, where Elle’s shopping for what to wear on her date with Warner, where she thinks he’ll be proposing to her. I can’t say I’d go for wearing a turquoise sequin dress if I thought I was about to get engaged, but nevertheless this look is very Sharpay Evans and SUCH a vibe.
14. Warner did not deserve to see Elle in this dress
This is what Elle actually goes for, and it’s stunning. How dare Warner break up with her when she’s literally wearing this incred dress? She should have known right from then he wasn’t good enough for her, although I’m not complaining because if she had we might not have gotten to see the gem of a film that is Legally Blonde.
13. ‘Woods comma Elle’ beret
Without this outfit we wouldn’t have the iconic “Woods comma Elle” quote, and for that I can only thank the clothing gods. The low-rise trousers are a choice indeed but obvs Elle pulls them off, and combined with the puff-sleeve top and pink beret it’s an absolute look.
12. Green for the first day of school
This outfit is the definition of “what, like it’s hard?” and it’s a vibe. The green snakeskin cardigan/blazer is, dare I say it, quite cool, and the tie shouldn’t work but somehow does. Which brings us on to:
11. Honourable mention: Bruiser on the first day
His tie and chain which match Elle’s are truly incredible. Bruiser is everything your dog wishes he was.
10. Ready for the internship
This suit is straight-up incred. The polka dot shirt is hinted to again around the hem of the skirt; and the red flower on her top matches the perfect red lip. B-e-a-utiful.
9. Pink study group chic
Pink pencil skirt? Stunning. Leopard print top? I would wear that in a heartbeat. Butterfly clips? Sublime.
8. Graduation gown
Okay so this is just a black graduation gown and cap, I know. But it’s iconic not because of what Elle is actually wearing, but because of what it symbolises.
It shows that in a mere hour-and-a-half, Elle has not only gotten into Harvard Law School but won a trial, become Valedictorian of her class and is now an actual lawyer. If that’s not iconic, I don’t know what is.
7. Playboy Bunny
Vivian tries to trick Elle by telling her it’s a costume party when it isn’t, but who even cares because Elle looks absolutely peng in her Playboy Bunny outfit.
6. Bend and snap
If you don’t think this is one of the best scenes of the entire film you’re straight-up lying to yourself. And for it Elle’s wearing this look, which could easily be very chaotic but actually looks so good. Pink and purple flowers in her hair; pink vest; yellow sheer floral blouse. And the tassel is just perfect for bending and snapping with.
5. Courtroom shirt dress
Legally Blonde simply wouldn’t be the film it is without this courtroom scene, and this courtroom scene wouldn’t be what it is without Elle’s pink suit dress, complete with collar, cuffs and pink sequin belt.
I’d even go so far to say that this dress is truly the star of the entire film – soz, Reese Witherspoon.
4. Two-piece leather skirt suit
Elle rocks up to Harvard for the first time wearing this, well and truly ready to make her very pink mark on the law school. Bruiser’s an absolute vibe here, too.
3. Every single part of the Harvard video essay
Elle’s Harvard personal essay comes in video form, obvs, and it’s simply iconic. While Elle’s showing off her legal jargon, she’s also showing off multiple sequin bikinis in various colours, the gold sequin dress, and the “I object!” pink halter neck and matching sunnies look.
2. Tie dye halter neck dress
This dress is high-key slept on and I’m not happy about it. It’s the first thing we see Elle wearing in Legally Blonde and it fully sets the tone for her outfits throughout the rest of the film. Coupled with the heart necklace on a thick silver chain, and the HUGE yellow flower in her hair? 2021 Depop girls wish they were Elle in this scene.
I have nothing else to say other than it’s nothing short of sheer perfection, and if anyone from ASOS is reading this and fancies designing this exact dress, please let me know when it’s on the website.
1. Stealing your man on a sun lounger
How could this look not be number one of all the Legally Blonde outfits?! The pink fur coat. The pink sequin bikini. The pink fluffy pen. The matching sun lounger, glass and straw.
The absolute power Elle Woods holds in those pink-lens sunglasses and her perfect high ponytail. She’s all anyone can look at, and she knows it. Every single thing about this is utterly sublime.
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