Only the Chosen One is getting full marks on this impossible Buffy The Vampire Slayer quiz
If you aren’t a potential slayer, honestly, don’t bother
You’d be hard pressed to find an expert quiz master to create this Buffy the Vampire Slayer quiz than me. It does what I’ve whipped up here a great disservice to call it merely a quiz, as this is actually a Buffy the Vampire Slayer exam. It’s a Buffy the Vampire Slayer A-Level. NAY. It is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer BA Hons final paper.
Buffy is a show I have watched in its entirety of my life since I was about four years old – circa the year 2000. I was too young to be watching it, really. But I didn’t care and when I tell you I was obsessed, oh mama, I was obsessed. I had the action figures, the video games, the Top Trumps, the chess set. When I was in year eight, I adapted the musical episode Once More, With Feeling into a fully fledged standalone stage ready musical with added bit of script for context for people who’d never seen Buffy before. I’m THAT level of obsessed.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is to me far more than a TV show. It’s a groundbreaking, heartbreaking, hilarious and sometimes terrifying melting pot of genres that changed the way telly was written for an audience – and took risks that made the kind of twists we get in dramas today commonplace. This quiz (exam x) is focussed on the plot of the seven seasons rather than general cast trivia or behind the scenes stuff, because it’s a test of how much you remember about Buffy, Willow, Giles, Xander, Cordelia, Tara, Anya and Dawn’s Sunnydale trials and tribulations – and to see if you’ve spent as many hours of your life getting swept away into their world as I have. It’s not to see if you know your Angels from your Spikes, but more to know if you know your Kathy Newmans from your Cassie Newtons.
But most of all, I want this quiz to be a celebration of the women of Buffy, and the characters and the story we love. Get your stakes at the ready, because the hellmouth is about to open…
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