Quiz: Are you the main character in your own life?
Spoiler – you probably aren’t
Let’s face it – everyone wants to be the main character in their own life. With TikTok teaming with videos detailing users’ “Main character moments” and “Signs that you’re the main character”, our god complexes and desire to feed them are bigger than ever. According to these TikToks, a person’s main character-ness can be defined by many factors, from their sense of style and dream job to how they behave on a night out (if you don’t go out, you definitely aren’t the main character).
However, not everyone can be the main character, or no one would be. Some people have to be the best friend or the love interest (which isn’t a bad thing at all) or worse still – the extras.
So which are you? Take our 10 question quiz below to find out.
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