Ok, how well do you actually know this year’s Islanders? Take this quiz to find out

Like, what’s Millie’s last name and what does Jake do as a job?

By now, we’ve been watching the Islanders for an hour, every single day, for over a month. Let that sink in. That is hours of our lives dedicated to watching a bunch of strangers as they lounge around a luxury Spanish villa, couple up and have shit chat together. You’d think we know quite a lot about them as people at this stage, so this Love Island 2021 Islanders trivia quiz is going to test that.

Can you actually roll off some pretty basic facts about the cast from this season? Who is the tallest Islander this year? Who has famous exes? Who is the most northern? Do you really know where they are all from, what they do for jobs, their ages and where some of them went to university? If you can get a decent mark in the following quiz, you know them pretty well, but if not you most definitely haven’t been paying attention and should probably be ashamed of yourself. Find out here.

Take this 2021 Love Island trivia quiz to see how well you really know the Islanders this year:

Love Island 2021 continues on ITV2 at 9pm tonight. For all the latest Love Island news and gossip and for the best memes and quizzes, like The Holy Church of Love Island on Facebook. 

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