Quiz: Can you guess the Love Island couple just by looking at their merged faces?
Because what screams compatible more than being merged together?
Last night’s episode of Love Island saw Priya and Brett leave the villa after being voted the least compatible. The couples voted for Faye and Teddy, Priya and Brett, Mary and Aaron and Jake and Liberty as the least compatible and therefore at risk but last night the public vote decided that Priya and Brett were to go home.
Now you may have voted to save your favourite couple, but can you tell who they are when their faces are merged together? Because what screams compatibility more than having your faces mushed together to make one person?
Thanks to TikTok, there has been a recent rise in photo editing apps. You can make yourself look older, younger or even swap the genders of your favourite Islanders. We, however, used these powers to merge your favourite Love Island couples together on FaceApp.
So to see how well you really know your favourite Love Island couple, take this quiz to see if you can guess them by looking at their merged faces.
Love Island 2021 continues on ITV2 at 9pm tonight. For all the latest Love Island news and gossip and for the best memes and quizzes, like The Holy Church of Love Island on Facebook.
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