There were 56 reports of spiking by injection across the UK in the last two months
The National Police Chiefs’ Council says there were 198 reports of drink spiking made in September and October
There were 56 reports of alleged spiking by injection made to police in September and October.
The National Police Chiefs’ Council collected data from every police force across the UK, which found there were 198 reports of drink spiking, in addition to the 56 reports of injection claims, across the two months.
In Nottingham, police confirmed there were 12 alleged incidents of spiking by injection reported in October.
Merseyside Police received 17 reports of spiking in September and October, with five reports from people who believed they had been injected.
Between 18 to 26 October, West Midlands Police began investigations into 10 reports from people regarding injection while on nights out.
Sussex Police is investigating six reports in one week of women being injected in Brighton, as well as one in Eastbourne; and Humberside Police is investigating two claims of spiking by injection in Hull.
Devon and Cornwall Police is investigating an alleged incident in Exeter.
First year Nottingham student Zara told The Tab Notts she believes she was spiked with an injection – she doesn’t remember anything past entering a club and getting a drink at the bar. When she woke up the next day, she had a pain in her leg and on further inspection found a site she believes to be a needle puncture.
“Memory loss never comes to me when I’ve had alcohol and I didn’t drink a lot at all for it to be my own fault,” Zara said. “I have a huge blank from maybe midnight onwards.” Zara’s housemate found her, alone, in a takeaway.
The next day she went to A&E, but says she had to go home after eight hours – without being seen. Zara told The Tab Notts that she has now booked an appointment with her GP but expressed concern that any substance may have left her system by then.
“I feel very scared, especially about my health and if it was a dirty needle I could be carrying these diseases which is a massive worry”, she said.
National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Drugs, Deputy Chief Constable Jason Harwin, said: “We have now had responses from all forces across the UK in relation to incidents involving some form of injection, with a total of 56 confirmed reports from across September and October.
“Police forces are investigating incidents and continue to work with pubs and clubs to increase searches and guidance to staff. We will continue to analyse the reports and work with police forces, plus other law enforcement partners including the National Crime Agency (NCA) and Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCUs), as investigations develop to build a problem profile and determine any further action by police or venues.
“We would encourage anyone who believes they have been a victim or witness to spiking, in any form, to contact their local police force. Any reports of spiking will be investigated and taken seriously. You should try and report it to police as quickly as possible to help officers carry out tests and gather the best evidence.”
Related stories recommended by this writer:
• ‘I went from sober to throwing up in five minutes’: Young people’s stories of being spiked
• Over 2,600 young people believe they’ve been spiked already this term
• Man arrested after women report being ‘injected with needles’ in Nottingham
Stock featured image via Alexander Popov on Unsplash