If you relate to these 30 things then you have it all, according to this survey
If I get half of these I’ll be impressed
We all have that one person we know who just has it all. Their hair is effortlessly shiny, they get full marks on every assignment, they’re invited to every party, they have the latest clothes from Zara and no one has a bad word to say against them. Basically they’re perfect and you’re a little bit resentful. It’s fine we all think it.
So what makes a person have it all? Well according to a new survey there are 30 key things that indicate you’ve truly made it in life.
Müller Yoghurts commissioned a survey of 2,000 people to discover what British people see as the signs of having it all. They range from achievable goals like being fully vaccinated or going to a green list country on holiday and then there are the extremely unrealistic goals like having a wine cellar or being mistaken for a Love Islander. If only.
If you relate to the majority of these things, then congratulations you have it all. If not, join the club:
1. You love your job
Lol I’d have to get one first.
2. You are able to travel business class
Does my parents paying for the flight count?
3. You can decide which hours you work
Again would have to a job first.
4. You have perfect teeth
My dentist is great tbf.
5. You can eat what you want without gaining weight
I have no idea what this is.
6. Your house is always spotless
It’s pretty spotless due to the lack of furniture.
7. Your children are well behaved
In my opinion I have my life together because I don’t have kids.
8. You have a walk-in wardrobe
I wish.
9. You have a holiday home in the Cotswolds
If I can ever afford one home I’ll be happy.
10. You have a senior title at work
How many times do I have to say I’m unemployed?
11. You have the latest iPhone
I don’t even know what it’s called. Are we on the 15 yet?
12. You can work from home
13. You’ve been to the Maldives
As if I can afford influencer paradise.
14. You can easily switch off from work at the end of the day
Pretty easy when you don’t have a job.
15. You have a wine cellar
Seriously who has these?
16. You speak a few different languages
My GCSE French examiner would beg to differ.
17. People ask where your clothes or shoes are from
Zara babes x.
18. People think your other half is hot
At least they think one of us is hot.
19. You’re fully vaccinated
I got one out of 30.
20. People always laugh at your jokes
In fairness I am hilarious.
21. You have a six pack
Of beer yes.
22. You found a staycation that wasn’t fully booked this year
My flat always has availability so yes.
23. You have over 1,000 social media followers
No need to shame me and my 300 followers.
24. You have good luggage
What determines good luggage?
25. You can make pastry from scratch
Even the Bake Off contestants can’t do this.
26. Your food looks great on Instagram
If I’m at a restaurant and someone else has made it then sure it’s great.
27. You can meditate
I really cannot.
28. The country you’re holidaying in has moved to the green list
Ok so this one is actually achievable.

via Instagram @mollymae
29. You get mistaken for a contestant on Love Island
This is the bane of my life, for the last time guys, no I am not Molly-Mae, we just look very similar.
30. You’re good at yoga
I literally cannot touch my toes.
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