This viral quiz will tell you what your red flag is whilst ripping you to utter shreds
No but why is this so savage??
Everyone loves to talk about red flags within the dating scene. But when it’s time to discuss their own personal red flags, they get all defensive and snappy. Recently, Twitter was taken over with red flag memes, but now there’s a brand new red flag quiz going around and it tells you exactly what you don’t want to hear.
This brutal quiz is called What’s Your Red Flag? and it aims to reveal one, very specific, red flag about yourself. Obviously it’s just a bit of fun but once you’ve taken it, you will feel very exposed. Here’s what you need to know before taking the red flag quiz and where you can actually find it:
Here’s where you can take the red flag quiz
Okay so this quiz has been floating around on TikTok and Twitter, but it’s originally from a website called uquiz. All you have to do is answer 10 very personal questions and try to be as honest as you can. And in return your biggest flaw will pop up on the screen right before your very eyes – seems fun right?
The questions are quite rogue but make sense at the same time. You’ll be asked a variety of things such as what is your relationship with your parents like, how you’d react if the person you trust the most in life held a gun to your head and of course the all important question of how did you react when Mufasa died in The Lion King. Look, just trust the process.
You can take the quiz here. But you can’t say you haven’t been warned about how brutal this quiz actually is.
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