Fans think Olivia Neill has a new boyfriend, here’s everything we know about him so far
So the guy Olivia’s rumoured boyfriend knows Flossie’s ex boyfriend lol
Just when you thought the whole Flossie and Olivia Neill drama was over, more rumours have surfaced and they involve Olivia’s rumoured new boyfriend. But before we get into it, you’re in need of some context. So, essentially the girls have been swamped with rumours saying they’re no longer mates but then the pair released a YouTube Original series and Olivia dropped a new podcast, so fans have been speculating the whole fiasco was one big PR stunt and they never actually fell out.
That was all until the pair were both posting pictures of themselves at Winter Wonderland but they weren’t actually together. But, you know who was there with Olivia? Orlando, AKA, the man who everyone suspects is dating Olivia Neill. It’s all a bit messy so before we get into the rumours saying Orlando is the boyfriend of Olivia Neill, here’s everything you need to know about him:
Orlando recently moved to London this year
On his socials like TikTok and Instagram, Orlando goes by the name Orly Chorly but for his Spotify artist profile, he’s known as just Orlando. His full name is Orlando Giannini and he’s a multi-instrumentalist who has just moved to London earlier this year. According to his Instagram feed, Orlando is a pretty edgy guy which we’d expect considering his name is literally Orlando. With only just over 5,000 followers on Instagram and 408 followers on TikTok, Orlando seems pretty lowkey compared to Olivia. Here’s everything we know about the couple’s reported relationship:
She was wearing his jumper in a YouTube video last month
So Orlando posted this photo of him and a mate back in July earlier this year. In the photo he is wearing a white knitted Ralph Lauren jumper, the same one Olivia can be seen wearing in a video she uploaded onto her channel last month in October.
Olivia’s phone screen is allegedly Orlando holding her cat
Right so this one is credited to the people posting on Tattle Life, they all claim that Olivia’s phone screen is a picture of Orlando. Her fans spotted it in the same video where Olivia can be seen wearing his white knitted jumper!!
Orlando follows Flossie’s ex boyfriend on Instagram
Obviously nothing has been confirmed or denied by anyone involved but the fact Orlando follows Will on Instagram clearly suggests they know each other. Everything just seems a bit suss, doesn’t it?
Then the boyfriend soft launch took place
A follower of Olivia and Lewys posted a video onto TikTok which has since reached over 60,000 views and over 4,000 likes. The video shares screenshots of Lewys’ Instagram story from the night they all went to Winter Wonderland. Lewys posted a picture of Olivia sitting next to a boy in a camouflage coloured jacket which low and behold we then see Orlando wearing in his own story.
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