Just 42 more Selling Sunset memes that are so good they deserve millions in commission
If binge-watching it is wrong, I don’t wanna be right
Season four of Selling Sunset has been WILD. From Christine’s consistently bougie outfits to Vanessa’s peace-keeping efforts, we’ve been absolutely hooked from start to finish. The only thing that had us drawn to our screens more than the actual series was the – frankly – impeccable meme material which came out of it.
Last week, we rounded up 43 of the most jaw-droppingly scandalous memes to come from all 10 episodes. In just seven short days, we’ve been treated to a whole new wave of hilarious takes – so much so that we now have an additional 42 for you to feast your eyes on. You’re welcome!
Here are 42 more Selling Sunset memes for you to enjoy.
1. We’ll always love our Jase x
The agents in #SellingSunset talking to the Oppenheim twins. pic.twitter.com/1xtUMEl5do
— Ja (@ja_bunny) December 3, 2021
2. Vanessa trying to keep the peace is the real hero of season four
Vanessa in every scene of #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/J3yl3VsoPS
— Joe 🥤 (@JoePassmore) November 30, 2021
3. *Cackles in skint*
Watching Selling Sunset makes me have deranged thoughts such as “That house costs $3 million? Eh, that’s not too bad.”
— Alexia LaFata (@alexialafata) December 3, 2021
4. It’s a lifestyle
in season four of selling sunset one of the women starts crying at dinner because she gets overwhelmed by how much shit talking she’s been doing.
it is the only reality tv show worth watching.
— caleb hearon (@calebsaysthings) December 4, 2021
5. All estate agents are the same tbf
Selling Sunset be like “the view on this property is amazing” and it’s an infinity pool overlooking the driest mound of dirt you’ve ever seen
— Paul Black (@paulbIack) November 30, 2021
6. They just miss the real you, Christine!!
every episode of selling sunset is someone going “I just don’t think she likes that I’m a straight forward upfront person” after saying the most heinous shit about them behind their back while drinking a full bottle of champagne at 11am
— sloane (sîpihkopiyesîs) (@cottoncandaddy) December 5, 2021
7. Okay me
Davina: “I don’t like two-faced people.”
Also Davina: #sellingsunset pic.twitter.com/Xdew3xmWz3— Natalie’s Kissing Tree (@realitytvbyjake) December 5, 2021
8. Honestly the purest soul
vanessa desperately trying to get christine & the girls to reconcile #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/1TFK4d1gnP
— aly the ally aka lil beanie (@alygrendel) December 4, 2021
9. Justice for Christine and her immaculate dress sense!
christine is the villain, but a villain who dresses well so you can’t help but to stan. I couldn’t hate her even if I tried 😭 #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/fRPT2vGaSw
— Unfriendly Black Hottie ❤️🔥 (@hotgirlluxe) December 4, 2021
10. New boyfriend criteria just dropped
All I know is that i need a husband who gone stick beside me like Christine’s. As soon I’m beefing w someone just hit me with the “their just jealous” 😭💀😂 #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/xW5gtl0TMi
— Le Baby (@lusciouslibraa) December 3, 2021
11. No comment
Vanessa when Emma told her about her cheeseburger empanada business #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/RG1HgEKbx4
— rosechocglam (@rosechocglam) December 3, 2021
12. Multi-million dollar company seeks: profesh pup Photoshopper
OH MY GOSH has anyone else seen this on the Oppenheim Group website 😂 #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/DGb2TxDJ78
— CAYSAYDEA (@caysaydea) December 5, 2021
13. Starting a Vanessa fan club – who’s in?
Vanessa this ain’t your mess to fix. Chileeeee #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/K1aqndxNPZ
— Boujee Ghostwriter (@CReneeMonae) December 1, 2021
14. I’m in this Tweet and I don’t like it
Selling Sunset is 99.99% little ladies pushing big doors
— Nori Reed (@realnorireed) December 6, 2021
15. He looks invested
This dog on #SellingSunset deserves a spin-off. pic.twitter.com/8DqzZZQemX
— Shannon Stevens (@shannonkstevens) December 4, 2021
16. Obsessed with the dramatic high heels close-up
every scene in selling sunset starts like this: pic.twitter.com/xT4iMzaiPU
— m. h. murray (@yarrumhm) December 8, 2021
17. Haha YIKES
christine: *literally just shows up to a party she was invited to*
Mary: pic.twitter.com/Bu9KWaTETa
— m (@mmmm__kay) November 30, 2021
18. Fair
Take a shot each time Davina says “fair”. #sellingsunset #SellingSunsetS4 pic.twitter.com/XNjX9ma4X4
— TVHotTake (@TVHotTake) December 4, 2021
19. I pretend I do not see it
Me anytime Davina gets camera time #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/xdwM7MpSLJ
— Daniel (@featuringdaniel) December 7, 2021
20. The clues were there!!
Me looking through past episodes of this season to put the clues together of Jason and Chrishell being together this whole time #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/a4rnY7jTFE
— Mihrimah BLACK LIVES MATTER | FREE PALESTINE (@Mihrimah_FS) December 5, 2021
21. You’re doing amazing, sweetie
Maya stays pregnant and minds her business 😂 #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/BQTRv4F0zr
— Amandah Sands (@MandzzSands) December 7, 2021
22. Sorry hun my baby needs at least six rooms
Christine really said her 5 bedroom house is too small for the one child they are having. God see the problems you have given the wicked. Me too I want that problem 😭 #SellingSunset
— Troublemaker of Zion (SAKA Stan Account) (@PreciousGNSD) November 30, 2021
23. YES
You know what? I like Christine. She is the DRAMA. This entire season is about her even though she’s out on maternity leave💁🏼♀️ #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/kBtQhCy28H
— BachelorBtch (@bachelorbtch) December 4, 2021
24. They gatekept, gaslit and girlbossed too close to the sun
None of the songs on Selling Sunset are recognisable and yet they all go like this:
I’m A 🎺gIrlbOss💪👄aNd I’m💸 SpEnDinG 💰mOnEy💵gET oUt 👠My wAy cAuSe 🏠i’M a bAd 😘aSs bItCh 💅lEt’s 🚗SlAy
— Lauren Morris (@laurenm345) November 30, 2021
25. Lord, I see what you’ve done for others…
How come you need 2 years+ experience to get an entry level retail job but on #SellingSunset you can start selling multimillion dollar homes after a couple of months??? pic.twitter.com/Cyu8UwPRFy
— Rhys Callow (@Rhys_callow) December 5, 2021
26. Oh
okay but why does tarek dress like this #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/2styn4VqEW
— m (@mmmm__kay) November 30, 2021
27. More like ChrisQUEEN tbh
Could you imagine Selling Sunset without @XtineQuinn though? Like, she doesn’t even need to do anything to bring the storyline. She is the storyline!
— BIMINI! (@biminibabes) December 1, 2021
28. Love Chrishell
I see why someone with christine/davina’s personality type could take issue with a person like chrishell, but all in all I think she really is a sweet girl and what that lady chooses to share with the world and keep private really is her business #SellingSunset #SellingSunsetS4 pic.twitter.com/aab0sNmWrS
— Unfriendly Black Hottie ❤️🔥 (@hotgirlluxe) December 4, 2021
29. Still thinking about that chag (chair bag)
Why does this look like a £13,000 bag Christine from #SellingSunset would own pic.twitter.com/CxIjQSPI57
— Holly✨ (@hollyshortall) December 1, 2021
30. Multi-story L.A. mansion or studio in Bethnal Green? Hmm, hard choice !!
The thing I’m finding insane about Selling Sunset isn’t the house prices. It’s that the same money that buys a 6-bed Hollywood mansion with a pool and a private movie theatre would get you a mid-sized terrace with no garden 20 minutes’ walk from me in London
— Rachel Cunliffe (@RMCunliffe) December 3, 2021
31. She sounds rude
Who is Escrow and why do people keep falling out with her? #SellingSunset
— James Welsh 👻 (@James_s_welsh) November 30, 2021
32. OUCH?!
#SellingSunset in a nutshell pic.twitter.com/R7eUMdEcQK
— Alun (@aluunw) December 4, 2021
33. Lemme grab my Primark faux fur coat
Me showing up to the listing after requesting a showing with the Oppenheim Group #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/heretuzPP5
— Andreia Gibau (@AndreiaGibau) December 4, 2021
34. Oh… my god?
Is it just me or does anyone else think Christine Quinn looks like Jeffree Star? #SellingSunset #twins? #tellmeimwrong pic.twitter.com/VPGWMODMzD
— Justsomeg1rl (@justsomeg1rl) December 2, 2021
35. I relate
Love her or hate her, Christine Quinn is the main character. #SellingSunset
— 𝓓 ❥ (@okdeeks) December 6, 2021
36. Too much
The face of evil #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/1AyKHascXI
— thisisnotjune (@bitterlilbitch) December 8, 2021
37. cOmE oN gEt rEaDy
starting a go fund me for selling sunset’s music department so they can license literally one song that doesn’t sound completely insane
— Matt Buechele (@mattbooshell) December 6, 2021
38. Feel like I need a pint of water now… not sure why?
Hi this is Emma from Selling Sunset’s empanada company pic.twitter.com/wojuj8gx0H
— Zara Rahim (@ZaraRahim) December 1, 2021
39. People still don’t know about Chrishell and Jason????
CHRISHELL AND JASON??? the way my jaw dropped at that two second clip #SellingSunset pic.twitter.com/gdnw1vaC4v
— ten (@ten_1996x) December 8, 2021
40. Classic
#SellingSunset saison 4 be like pic.twitter.com/jgCAjOz5lt
— Enzo (@ens_z) December 1, 2021
Ummm @netflix I’d like to host a Selling Sunset reunion for Season 4 because I HAVE QUESTIONS THAT I HAVE NO FEAR ASKING
— CHRIS KLEMENS (@ChrisKlemens) November 30, 2021
42. Icons never die x
Season 4 of selling sunset is just these women Genuinely begging pleading crying to not have to be around Christine quinn and her just continuing to be around
— riverdale stan (@ivanatweets2u) December 2, 2021