Nearly 300k people have said they’re attending a 10 Downing Street Christmas rave
See u there x
In the most British reaction to the No 10 scandal, a Facebook event called “CHRISTMAS RAVE – 10 Downing Street” was created and already over 700,000 people have responded.
This comes after the chaotic day of news yesterday – that No 10 had a secret Christmas party last year, whilst everyone else was in lockdown. First came the memes, now comes the Facebook event, in one of the most black mirror moments of UK politics ever.
Now, an open event has been created for a party on Christmas Eve at Downing Street. Event details provide the following information:
Bring Who you like.
Bring your own Nibbles and drink.”
Pretty decent line up, actually.
The event page discussion has also gained a lot of traction and people are posting the funniest things. Here’s some of the best:
DMs with Boris

Matt Hancock getting it on

And again
Some special guest sets
Guest list plans
Party playlist pending…
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• No. 10’s Christmas party definitely wasn’t funny, but these 18 reaction memes sure are
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