Quiz: Which Number 10 Christmas quiz team name are you?

Are you more Professor Quiz Whitty or Cheeses of Nazareth?

It has recently been reported that last year, when London was in Tier 2 restrictions, there was a Tory Christmas quiz at Number 10 Downing Street. Sources have told The Mirror that, whilst regulations banned any social mixing between households, Number 10 staff were drinking alcohol and socialising for hours after the quiz finished. But what is possibly worse than these revelations are the team names the quiz attendees apparently chose to use – which have been called “an absolute banter vacuum” on Twitter.

The Mirror reports, the Downing Street quiz team names include some frankly horrendous pandemic-themed puns: Professor Quiz Whitty; Hands, Face, First Place; The Six Masketeers. There are also some with Christmassy vibes – Santa’s Ho Ho Hos; Bucks Quiz; Wisemen and Women.

As well as these slightly more inventive (but no less god-awful) puns, there are some classic quiz team names. These could be seen on any quiz ever, including: No Team Name is Better than a Bad Team Name, Quizness, The Write-Offs, Next Slide Please.

Which lame Downing Street Christmas quiz team name are you? Take this quiz to find out:

Number 10 has insisted the 2020 event was a “virtual quiz”, but has admitted “those who were in the office for work may have attended virtually from their desks.”

A Government spokesperson had told The Mirror: “Given there is an ongoing review, it would be inappropriate to comment while that is ongoing.”

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