This is how to see if someone has blocked you on Instagram
How could they?!
So you’ve stopped seeing a particular individual’s annoying bottomless brunch pics appear on your timeline, and you wonder why? Are they taking a break from Instagram to dedicate more time to prosecco? Or have they just decided to post less? Then you put two and two together and realise it might be something to with the raging beef you have with them. That’s right. They’ve probs decided they don’t want you to be able to message them or see their posts. Have they blocked you? There is a way of knowing for sure. This is how to see if someone has blocked you on Instagram.
How to see if someone has blocked you on Instagram
Search for the account you suspect has blocked you. What you do next depends on whether the account is private or public.
Chances are, if the account is private and you can’t find it, you’ve been blocked.
It’s slightly different if the account is public. If, when you visit their page, you can’t see their DP, number of posts or follower / following account and the grid says “No Posts Yet,” you have 100 per cent been blocked.
Use an app to monitor your followers in general
If you want to take this to the next level, there are loads of apps out there that will help you monitor the ebbs and flows of your follower count / block list.
One app called “Follower Track for Instagram” allows you to check who has unfollowed you recently, which users don’t follow you back and crucially, who has blocked you.
You could just ask them
This is a sure-fire way of finding out but requires a fair bit of bottle. You also won’t be able to do this on social media (they’ve made sure of that) so unless you know where they live and have the self-confidence to doorstep them, I’d maybe just download an app.
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