Quiz: Plan a day at private school and we’ll tell you which uni you belong at
If you get Manchester, you wasted your parents’ fees
It’s a well known fact that certain universities are magnets for private school pupils, who get to continue living off daddy’s money at a reduced price of only 9k a year. The likes of Durham, Edinburgh, St Andrews and Exeter would fall into disrepair if they didn’t have the hundreds of private school pupils coming in every September, bringing with them an elitist attitude and that all important cheque book. I would include Oxbridge in that list, but we all know how much cash they’re sitting on.
Attending private schools is undoubtedly a privilege and a unique experience. From being served halloumi fries at lunch to having compulsory Latin lessons, there’s no denying that there’s a certain lifestyle attached with attending a private school. This means that when the time comes to fly the nest, many private school pupils choose to stick together and head to prestigious higher education institutions that will allow them to continue living their Tory way of life.
Even though many of the UK’s universities are known for taking in high numbers of private school pupils, they each have their own slightly unique vibe, just like the different private schools do. When it comes to daily life at one of the UK’s private schools, multiple factors will influence just how Tory your experience will actually be. There are huge difference between attending an all boys versus an all girls school, a private school in the South versus the North, and a boarding versus a day school. In turn, these factors will influence where you choose to head off to after Upper Sixth. And yes, at private it’s Upper Sixth not Year 13.
So with all that in mind, we’ve come up with a quiz that will determine which university you belong at, based on your ideal day at a private school.
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