The Apprentice week 10 memes

Enjoy a nourishing pot of First Time Dies and laugh at these 21 The Apprentice memes

‘The biggest issue is from this label it looks like we want to kill children’

Just when you think The Apprentice has made you laugh as much as it can for one series, in waddles a chaotic episode that makes you realise why it’s the funniest show on television. What an absolute, front to back shitshow this week’s episode was – a baby food disaster on a titanic scale. From Aaron’s bland Moroccan medley to the misfire of the millennia First Time Dies, it’s hard to believe at this point that Lord Sugar is going to give an investment to these hapless chumps. Twitter was, as ever, as good as the episode. So here are the best memes and tweets from week 10 of The Apprentice for your baby food eating comedy pleasure:

1. All four of these disasters will go down in Apprentice history

2. Please mum, anything but that x

3. One of the greatest lines to ever be uttered on reality TV 

4. He didn’t waste any of his seconds

5. Everything she does is high camp

6. I could stare at this all day to be honest

7. We still weep for the icon that we lost

8. More potent than arsenic 

9. Very cruel, wicked and evil

10. It was honestly mayhem

11. She would be too brutal I fear

12. It was a toe curler

13. Still can’t believe she had the audacity to say yoohoo

14. The car crash to end all car crashes

15. Too far I fear

16. She KNEW

17. The producers deffo had engagement dollar signs in their eyes when this happened

18. What flavour are you actually on about here Aaron, please?

19. They aren’t ready for her

20. He loved telling everyone it was Moroccan at all times

21. Bacon, eggs, sausage, hash brown and bosh pudding

Laugh at the episode that spawned these The Apprentice memes by catching up on the week 10 episode on BBC iPlayer.

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