If the Bridgerton characters went to UK universities this is where they’d go
After his gap yah, Colin could only belong at Oxford Brookes
Bridgerton season two has come to our cold, empty lives and changed them forever. It is quite literally the best thing Netflix has ever graced us with – incredible sets and beautiful costumes? Check. A load more classical covers of modern songs, including a Harry Styles banger? Check again. A ton of drama, stunning characters and some of the horniest lines I have ever heard? You guessed it – big, fat check. Please will someone just tell me that I’m the bane of their existence, I beg.
“But what would each of the Bridgerton characters be like if they lived now, in the year of our lord 2022?”, I hear you cry. This is exactly what UK university the Bridgerton characters go to, which nights out they’d just love, how they’d decorate their rooms and what their Instagrams would look like. Madame Delacroix would call herself a #girlboss, Colin would bore everyone senseless with his endless “gap yahhh” chats, and Queen Charlotte would be sniff-sniff-sniffing her way through Leeds.
Here’s where all the Bridgerton characters would go to uni, and what they’d be like there:
Daphne – York
Look me in the eyes and tell me Daphne is not an Oxbridge reject. Go on, I dare you. After getting over that heartbreak, Daphne would end up in York – one of the ancestral homes of Oxbridge rejects, and possibly one of the most boring unis in the country. Perfect for Daphne. She’d study history and be part of equestrian society (or something equally lame), spending her free time watching Bake Off and idolising Mary Berry.
Kate – Manchester
Clever, firey and strong, Kate would THRIVE at Manchester. She’d love an edgy night out but would somehow be up at 9am the next day, hangover-free and ready for a long library session. Kate would never be seen without an iced coffee and would get a First on every essay, always proofreading her mates’ essays for them, too.
Edwina – Exeter
Just a liiiittle bit basic, Exeter uni is where Edwina would belong. Studying psychology, Edwina’s whole wardrobe would be from Urban Outfitters. Her uni room would be absolutely covered in fairy lights and Polaroid pics she’s stuck on the walls.
Colin – Oxford Brookes
After his gap yah, Colin and his bad tan could only belong at Oxford Brookes. He is the epitome of “Brookes not books” and would spend every single pres boring everyone with his tales of backpacking round Greece. Colin is the social sec of the uni’s hockey club and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Penelope – Oxford
Penelope knows she wants to go to Oxbridge, and spends HOURS agonising over whether to pick Oxford or Cambridge. When she hears that Colin’s going to Brookes, naturally there’s only one option for her. Pen would study English, edit the uni newspaper and set up her own anonymous Oxford students’ confessions page on social media – she’d know the goss about absolutely everyone.
The Duke – Edinburgh
Okay so The Duke isn’t in season two, but how could we forget this beautiful man? Simon is smart af and loves books, but is also quite arrogant and couldn’t believe it when Daphne didn’t know the way of the world. He’s also incredibly posh, and all of this evidence could only point to him attending one university: Edinburgh.
Anthony – Newcastle
Anthony studies economics at Newcastle and is the president of rugby, end of. He just oozes sexiness and power – good luck to the Jesmond girl who Anthony tells is the bane of his existence, I am endlessly jealous of you.
Eloise – Sussex
Eloise has SU President written all over her, and you just know she’d relish in it. She studies philosophy and politics at Sussex, and LOVES arguing about Locke with the boys in her seminars. She would be on the committees of a million different societies, and rarely be seen in anything that’s not a fleece.
Cressida – Durham
Mean and posh, Cressida has Durham written all over her. Like Daphne, Cressida would be an Oxbridge reject, but Cressida would go to her grave denying this and would spend all her time trying to convince everyone she had actually wanted to go to Durham all along. She’s stuck-up and thinks she’s better than everyone, but you just KNOW she’d have an entire wardrobe of boujee dresses ready to go for the endless uni society balls she’d go to.
Benedict – Bristol
There is no way on earth that this man wouldn’t study something arty at Bristol. Benedict would live in quarter-zips and do endless amounts of coke, he’s that secret posho you live with in halls who tries to hide how rich they are and always loudly denies being a Tory, despite exclusively shopping in Waitrose.
Lady Danbury – Cambridge
Traditional, boujee, and iconic. Three words that could all equally describe both Lady Danbury and Cambridge Uni. She’s incredibly smart and you can’t help but respect her, Lady Danbury would be studying something like natural sciences and be the welfare secretary of her societies.
Will – Loughborough
Will studies business management at Loughborough, and is never seen without a protein shake in hand. He lives in the gym and his Tinder is full of pics of him flexing – and he has an entire separate Instagram account dedicated to his boxing.
Queen Charlotte – Leeds
Sniff sniff, Queen Charlotte could only go to Leeds. She’d be the biggest rah going and live in the boujee Henry Price halls. She would take so much ket on every night out and be a huge Depop girl, and would defo turn her Hyde Park house’s grotty basement into a TikTok-worthy house party room – complete with loads of LED lights, obvs x
Lady Featherington – Birmingham
Lady Featherington is low key really smart but everyone forgets about it, just like poor Birmingham students. Catch her in neon, feathers and glitter (all three, never just one) at Fab every single week without fail, Lady Featherington would be studying marketing and take every opportunity to make money. She’d be a ticket rep for every club going, and she’d charge people entry on the door of her huge house parties – which she gets security for, because why wouldn’t she?
Violet – Warwick
The only UK uni possibly more boring than where Daphne is at York, her mother Lady Violet Bridgerton belongs at Warwick. She’d study something like geography and absolutely love the SU, naturally.
Madame Delacroix – Nottingham
With her Instagram bio reading “#girlboss”, Madame Delacroix studies fashion marketing at Nottingham (with a year abroad in Paris, obvs). She runs a successful Depop shop, making her housemates new clothes for every single night out. Madame Delacroix lives in flares and bucket hats, and loves a VK at Crisis.
Season two of Bridgerton is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.
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All images including featured image overlays via Netflix