These are the maddest moments from this year’s graduation ceremonies
One girl did the splits whilst accepting her degree
Graduation for a lot of people is a day that is dreamed about. You buy a new outfit, get your hair, makeup and nails done and anticipate the day to be nothing but perfect. But things don’t always go to plan.
Graduations are a rite of a passage, a way to round off years of hard work and say goodbye to your time at university and hello to the next chapter of your life. But with so much pressure on one day, something unexpected is bound to happen. Whether it is parents embarrassing their kids or students coming up with creative ways to make their walk across the stage memorable.
This year’s graduates have been sharing online all the memorable moments from their big days. These are the maddest moments from this year’s graduation ceremonies:
This girl’s dad ran on the stage to take a photo of her
In peak embarrassing moment glory, Leah’s dad Viktor ran on to the stage as she was accepting her degree in order to take a photo of her.
Seemingly forgetting that he was in front of hundreds of people, Viktor mortified his daughter and what makes it even funnier is that the photo he managed to take is a blurry mess. Better luck next time, Viktor.

The photo Leah’s dad took
One girl did the splits whilst accepting her degree transcript
Many of us fantasise about doing something iconic to make our short time on the graduation stage memorable but very few of us have the guts to pull it off.
Master’s student Rosalba Mensah had the guts to do just that. As she graduated from the London College of Fashion she did the splits on stage, leaving everyone shook at the way she dropped down and got back up so gracefully.
This guy danced his way across the stage
Also making an impact was Saint, a Birmingham City University grad who danced his way across the stage and left the host hanging TWICE when he tried to high five him.
This absolute icon wore a ‘I want a refund’ dress

via @tia4u on Instagram
When Tia graduated from University of the Arts London earlier this month, she knew she wanted to make a statement.
Having felt unsatisfied with her time at university after facing online teaching and lecturer strikes, Tia decided to wear a dress to her graduation that said “I want a refund”, making quite a statement indeed.
A dad tried to film his daughter but filmed his own face for the entire thing instead
Parents are on their peak embarrassing form at graduation ceremonies and this girl’s dad proved just that.
Rachel’s dad Andy tried to film her sister walking across the stage at her University of Exeter graduation using a GoPro but accidentally filmed himself the entire time instead and the the footage is hilarious.
One girl travelled across four countries to make it to her graduation

via YouTube
The award for the most dedicated graduate goes to Rena Bijman who drove for 14 hours to make it to her graduation.
After her flight was cancelled, the German student travelled through four countries and through the Channel Tunnel in order to make in time for her graduation ceremony at the University of Cumbria.
One guy took Banksy’s honorary degree transcript

via SWNS
During his graduation ceremony, University for the Creative Arts grad Ben Wray nicked Banksy’s certificate of honorary professorship.
When Ben saw the degree sat on an empty seat he thought he’d spice up his walk across the stage by taking it so that he’d have a story to tell the grandkids.
This girl had to remind the host of her name after he got confused
Graduating from King’s College London, graduate Layla was called Olivia before the host asked: “Who am I doing next?” Embarrassing is an understatement.
Related articles recommended by this author:
• Master’s student spices up her graduation by doing the splits on stage and it’s iconic
• Uni student nabs Banksy’s honorary certificate during graduation ceremony
• Newcastle grad left mortified after her dad ran on stage to take pic at her graduation
Featured image via Instagram and SWNS.