Okay, so what is Kiwi? The new app getting described as the music version of BeReal
Now everyone can see that all I do is stream Taylor Swift – perfect
Thank me for this later guys, because the new music app Kiwi is literally about to change your lives if you love music and the chaos of BeReal in equal measure. You might have seen Kiwi all over Twitter over the weekend because it’s truly about to take over – an app that pings you once a day to send your most recently streamed song to your mates who can anonymously rate it as savagely or as generously as they wish. Here’s everything you need to know about the new music app Kiwi and why you should think about getting it!
Okay, so what’s Kiwi?
Kiwi is an app that’s essentially as follows: You set it up by making an account and linking either your Spotify or your Apple Music. According to the app’s description on the App Store, its purpose is as follows. At a random time each day, a notification prompts you and all your friends to share a song and a message at the same time. So far, so BeReal. You then get to anonymously rate and get rated on the songs you send and receive – resulting in your music taste score that everyone can see which is a weighted average of what you’ve sent to pals.
You can also see all your music library from streaming services, and a huge list of every song you’ve ever been sent by friends. You can access all your playlists and friends can see on your profile your music rating and any songs you’ve sent off to people to be rated on the Kiwi music app.
Does it work?
Kind of. The thing is, the app lets you send songs whenever, so it doesn’t really have that once a day fun feeling of BeReal and it doesn’t tell friends when you’ve sent late. I also think the app should just restrict you to only sending your top five last played songs rather than anything you want – to keep it real.
It is however super fun to see your rating go up and down and work out which friends have disrespected Bad Liar by Selena Gomez. The app could really take off and be super fun if they made a few tweaks, in my opinion. I wish we had the option to see what people had rated our songs – surely this would create more discussion and interaction with friends?
Anyway – great idea. Get it! Things can only go up from here for the Kiwi music app. Spam your mates with Taylor Swift – do it for ME.
If you get the Kiwi music app and want to suggest changes to the dev team (I personally had many), DM them here.
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