Rounding up the 27 most iconic Drag Race UK moments of all time before season four starts
‘A red wig and a silver dress? I don’t think’
I can’t believe it’s finally time, but Drag Race UK season four is finally premiering TONIGHT! I’m practically salivating at the thought of another season of iconic moments that are going to swirl around in my pop culture sphere for the rest of my life. But before the season boots off tonight, with a cast that has me shaking at their potential, I thought it best to roundup my most iconic Drag Race UK moments from the first three seasons.
From the silly to the slay, here are 27 of my personal highlights from the best show on the BBC.
27. Hey Sis, It’s Christmas
Season three of Drag Race UK was many things – but a flop on the finale is thing it was not. The season finished in style with the first ever franchise Christmas song, and Ella, Kitty and Krystal all absolutely sleigh their verses. I can’t wait for Christmas so I can relisten to this and not look like a massive weirdo.
26. Meecrowavé
Ella Vaday pulled a blinder on the season three Snatch Game, and proved her doubters wrong with an iconic turn as Nigella Lawson. Nothing was better than ‘Meecrowavé’, which entered Drag Race UK lore immediately. Nigella herself approved!
25. Michelle thinking The Vivienne’s nose was prosthetics
One of the best moments from the very first episode came when Michelle Visage complimented The Vivienne’s ‘prosthetics’, not realising that was just Viv’s nose. Comedy gold.
24. ‘Love made me do it, Ru!’
Cheryl Tweedy-Cole-Fernandez-Versini-NowjustCheryl on Drag Race UK feels like a fever dream. I think about her saying “Love made me do it, Ru” to plug her flop new single all the time. And when she said “Condragulations” to Cheryl Hole like she was being held at gunpoint.
23. The season three roast
Veronica Green and RuPaul dragged Krystal Versace to hell and to be fair, she was a good sport. This was a good roast. Plus, KATHY BURKE!
22. ‘Hiya, chuck, are y’alright!’
21. ‘Baga Chipz? More like Baga Shite!’
Divina saying this to Baga during the reading challenge is so funny and northern that I can’t help but smirk every time it wanders through my mind.
20. That’s soap setting
19. Andrew Garfield being the best judge ever
The first ever episode of Drag Race UK gave us iconic moments from the off, and a huge A-list guest judge in the form of Andrew Garfield. It’s so nice to have a straight male judge on who is so comfortable with his sexuality and was clearly a huge fan of the show. Thoughtful critiques and a lovely energy. Cherish him.
18. Rats: The Rusical
The only people who didn’t gobble were Tayce and Ellie Diamond. Everyone else CRUSHED IT. And it was all sang live! What an iconic cast.
17. ‘Gotta try and have a PMA’
One of the most perfect little Werk Room exchanges in franchise history and I will die on that hill.
16. Much betta!
Before it became insufferable, it was actually very iconic!
15. Tayce’s Memory lip sync
This is one of the most hypnotic lip sync performances ever. Tayce looks STUNNING. I could stare at the drama in that face forever. So hilarious that it reduced Sheridan piggin’ Smith to tears.
14. Kathy Burke giving two fingers
And EXTRA special guest judge: Kathy Burke!
13. Scarlett Harlett storming off
Everything about this entire Untucked drama is pure cinema to me. The shot of Scarlett backstage having a cig looking like a deranged Glenn Close is peak comedy.
12. The nipples are the eyes of the face
You might’ve heard in the pwess that Bimini’s Katie Price is one of the best Snatch Game performances in history. End of!
11. ‘Sister Sister? More like Copy Copy’
One of the best and stupidest one liners I have ever heard on this silly little show.
10. When A’Whore puffed her sleeves out
People died.
9. River Medway’s cone point
The most perfect way to get the judges cherishing and adoring you. So charming. Spawned a thousand memes.
8. The cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity and the gumption
I will still be quoting this on my death bed.
7. Vanity Milan and Alesha Dixon
This is one of the most euphoric ways to spend a minute. I love how enthusiastic Alesha was and how much it must have encouraged Vanity to give hands DOWN the best lip sync of the season. She killed it SO hard. It’s so much joy.
6. Break Up Bye-Bye
This whole episode, and in particular the Frock Destroyers’ version of the banger, changed the landscape of the show forever. It got Drag Race into the music charts! I love the whole narrative of the losing trio underestimating the winning three’s abilities and all the silly little reactions as the group watch each other. “And Cheryl did a death drop.”
5. Choriza May’s entrance line
“Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful – hate me because I’m an immigrant.” The world has never been the same. From the moment Choriza said that, she won the season for me. She should have been crowned. END OF.
4. Red wig and a silver dress?
I don’t think.
3. H&Mgate
Would love to know the financial implications Ru’s iconic “I don’t wanna see any fucking H&M” had on their stocks.
2. Every single thing Bimini did on Drag Race
Like… Has there ever been a queen that has been universally such a phenomenon? Bimini transcended Drag Race and left it as someone beyond cool, beyond talented and an undeniable superstar.
1. The entire RuRuVision Song Contest episode
Words can’t describe how much this episode was a cultural reset. Of all the Drag Race UK iconic moments on this list, it is this episode that singlehandedly contains about a million worthy of note. The shock Covid exit of Ronnie Green, the return of the queens following lockdown one feeling like an All Stars glow up, the return and departure of Joe Black, UK HUN??? Nothing else could top this list.
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Series 4 returns to BBC Three and BBC iPlayer on 22nd September at 9pm.Watch the full Meet the Queens here.
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