This is how to get the filter to face swap yourself 10 times like everyone on TikTok
I’m sorry but these are SO cursed
Right now, there is a pretty cursed challenge going around TikTok. I call it cursed because to be honest, I wish I could unsee some of the results people have been getting from doing it. People have been using a face swap filter, and face swapping with themselves 10 times.
You’d think that face swapping with yourself would make no difference because, you know, it’s your own face. But that is where you are completely wrong. The results are quite horrific, and people look completely different.
So, if you are quite desperate to see what you’d look like with this filter (I get it, I really do), here’s how to have a go with the face swap filter yourself.
Here’s how to get the face swap filter everyone is using on TikTok right now:
• The app the face swap filter is in is called FaceApp, so you need to head to the app store and get that downloaded
• Once you’ve got it, take a photo or upload one from your camera roll
• Go through the filters and select “Face Swap”
• You’ll then be asked to either find a celebrity picture from within the app to swap with, or chose yourself one from your gallery
• Pretty obvious here, select the same photo again, and then save the result and do this 10 times
• Depending on how awful your result is, you might want to share it on TikTok or somewhere else, but you’ll probably wish it never happened
And here are some of the most cursed examples of the filter being used:
For the latest TikTok trends, guides, viral filters and news – follow The Holy Church of TikTok on Facebook.
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• Quiz: Can you guess the celebrity from their gender swap filter picture?
Featured image background via Unsplash.