The creepy reason Jeffrey Dahmer used to wear yellow contact lenses on days of his murders
Evan Peters also wore contacts for the role on Netflix
Everyone has been watching the Netflix drama series about Jeffrey Dahmer. The 10-part show has stuck very close to the real life story of the serial killer and his crimes, even so that Evan Peters was given yellow eyes to mimic the contact lenses worn by Jeffrey Dahmer.
Yep, it’s not as well known fact about him, but in real life Dahmer wanted to have yellow eyes, and for a very specific and creepy reason. You might not have seen it at first during the show, but now if you go back and look closely, you’ll be able to tell Evan Peters’ eyes have the same scary hue as the real life Jeffrey Dahmer’s did. So, why did he do it and why did he want them like this?

via Netflix
Why did Jeffrey Dahmer wear yellow contact lenses and why did he want yellow eyes?
Jeffrey Dahmer definitely had extremely unsettling and piercing eyes. This is because he would often wear yellow contact lenses. He was born with blue eyes, but would wear the yellow contacts before heading to bars like Club 219 to pick up men he would later kill.
Gisela K., author of The Milwaukee Monster, has explained this is because of Dahmer’s obsession with Star Wars’ Emperor Palpatine as well as The Exorcist III. By wearing the yellow contacts, he would “channel” his favourite movie villains.
“At his trial, The Exorcist III became a focal point as it was his favourite movie that he watched at least two to three times per week for about six months before he was caught,” Gisela explained. “He resonated so much with the main antagonist, the Gemini killer, that he bought yellow contact lenses to feel and look like him.”

via Netflix
Did Jeffrey Dahmer always wear his glasses?
Throughout most of the Netflix show, we see Evan Peters’ Dahmer wearing signature aviator-style glasses. One thing the series got wrong about the case in real life is that Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t actually wear these glasses in court – he didn’t want to make eye contact with, or be able to even see, the families of those he had killed. His father’s wife, Shari Dahmer, told Inside Edition in 1992: “He’s not wearing glasses so that he can’t see people. He panics.”
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is available now on Netflix. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.
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