From dog food to condoms: The most tragic sponsored posts Love Islanders have ever done
Surely no amount of money is worth this?
Every year the sponsored posts with Love Island cast members come, and every year there is a cohort of some that are, simply, awful.
It’s as though they don’t even read the email subject line when these requests for brand deals and posts come in, they skip to the bit about money and sign the dotted line. The Islanders will promote anything, whether or not they have an actual interest in the product at all. So, to celebrate this love for all things tragic and sponsored – here’s a rundown of the most awful posts the cast members from Love Island have ever done. Enjoy!
Gemma Owen – Amazon
The most recent addition to the tragic list of Love Island sponsored posts comes from Gemma Owen, who somehow managed to rope her dad Michael in for a deal with Amazon. It’s cringy, and the acting skills are, shall we say, lacking. In the advert, an Amazon delivery driver shows up to their huge Cheshire mansion – we get it, you’re rich – and announces they have “a package for the boss – the big deal of the house.”
Michael Owen thinks this is him, but it’s actually Gemma. It’s hellish and I just want to know why Michael Owen has done this to himself. The man is worth £54million already.
Biggs Chris – Condoms, note, LARGE ones
Yep, you read that correctly. Casa Amor Islander Biggs Chris advertised condoms on his Instagram. And not just any condoms, he made a point to state he was advertising only LARGE condoms. I mean he did say in the video that he’s promoting “safe sex and comfort” so hats off there at least.
Just in case you missed it, his caption confirms they’re LARGE. “Guys, Magnum Large Size Condoms are now available on Amazon UK,” his post read. “Premium brand and feel and now incredibly easy to get hold of!” Did I say they’re large?
Georgia Steel – Car air fresheners

via Instagram
Remember when there was that strange time where all the Islanders were promoting car air fresheners? This peaked with our loyal babe Georgia Steel, who in a post promoting one claimed she was “literally addicted” to them, while she posed with about six of the crystal shaped things dangling from her hand, dressed head-to-toe in Giorgio Armani trackies. Iconic.
She’s deleted the first post of her in her car, but has since promoted the brand again, saying she loves hanging car air fresheners around her house too! She truly is addicted!
Adam Collard – Car air fresheners
Hundreds of Love Islanders did the car air fresheners, I honestly couldn’t name them all. Some serial posters include Kady McDermott, Nathan Massey, Sherif Lanre, Sam Gowland and Laura Anderson. But, Adam Collard isn’t getting away without a mention! Love the Huji light leak filter Adam, inspired that!
Hugo Hammond – Dog food

via Instagram @hugo_hammond_
No shame, Hugo clearly had it ruff after the villa. But choosing to advertise dog food? You have to admit, pretty lame. Code HUGO30 got you a dece 30 per cent discount though!
Chuggs Wallis – Tinder

via Instagram @chuggswallis
After Love Island 2021, a couple of the Islanders decided to do deals with dating app Tinder. Tragically, they all noted they hadn’t found love on the show and were back on the app. And yes, that’s Chuggs “Cuddles and Hugs” Wallis draped across a bed covered in rose petals. Enough to keep you away from Tinder, really.
Tommy Fury – Hellman’s Molly-Mayo
Tommy was famously the worst cook to ever enter Love Island, saying he’d never cooked eggs and somehow managing to botch-up cheese on toast. But, this man knows his way around eggs now. “Think I placed all my eggs in one basket in the villa? Wrong. I’ve had my head turned by @HellmannsUK,” he said in this awful, awful post. Cue video of him checking himself out in reflective kitchen utensils.
Billy Brown – Subway
I am simply obsessed with the slightly irrelevant cast of Love Island 2022 getting on board with sponsored posts with Subway. If Casa Amor Billy tells me he loves Subway, I love Subway too. Here is Billy, holding a footlong like a small child, encouraging us all to try the new buffalo chicken sub. If you say so Billy, I shall.
Tom Walker – BBC Bitesize
If you’re confused, you’re not the only one. 2019’s Tom “it’ll be interesting to see if she’s all mouth or not” Walker was paid to encourage his followers to be good listeners after Maura showed him she was, overhearing him badmouthing her to the other boys. Ah, irony.
Niall Aslam and Rosie Williams – Harry Potter World
Yeah, Niall was one of the best Islanders and is a great guy. He was a good laugh and just completely himself during his time in the villa, and speaking so openly about his mental health when he left the show, which will no doubt do a lot of good. But, I can’t forgive a post about Harry Potter, let alone one with #chamberofgainz and #hufflebuff in the caption. You get a mention, Niall, that’s all.
Coco Lodge – Iceland

via Instagram @coco_lodge
Of course Coco has been promoting Iceland! Why wouldn’t she?! I’m not sure what about Coco from Love Island standing in front of a freezer is meant to be in terms of an incentive to shop there, because that’s literally all this post is. No promo code, no nothing.
But she’s giving with the puns and the caption effort. There are references to the only thing she was known for on the show, because the caption to this post is “or whatever” and she’s got a Love Island pun in there, calling it “Love Iceland”.
Go on, whose post was the absolute worst?
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