No ifs, no buts: Here’s the definitive tier list ranking of every character in Gavin and Stacey
I am president of the Stacey Hate Club
Every year, over the festive and New Year period, I rewatch the whole of Gavin and Stacey from start to finish. It’s a yearly ritual that soothes me more than I can really say, and I’m not even sure why. There’s something about its warmth that calls to me every time the weather is cold. Maybe it’s because the first Christmas special is the best episode that I just associate it with that time of year. Gavin and Stacey is a show that even James Corden can’t ruin – such is its power. After my latest rewatch, I decided that it was time for a definitive tier list ranking of the characters, because no one else gets it right and I’m sick of arguing with people. May I present to you, in full: The definitive Gavin and Stacey characters tier list ranking.
Pure evil, fiery pits of hell tier

The embodiment of evil. Manipulative, childish, bratty and wholly unlikeable. How this disgrace of a human got six men to propose to her is actually beyond me.
Shit tier
A big nope from me. Introduced as Smithy’s new girlfriend in the 2019 Christmas special, no one’s supposed to like Sonia anyway. But I don’t think she even succeeds on that level… She’s just pointless. This special should have just had Smithy and Nessa together, or at least both single and they get together over the course of the special. Sonia enters the game too late. Flop.
Are you telling me that the only (openly) gay man we get on Gav and Stace is this boring? Do me a favour.
Couldn’t care less tier
Owain Hughes
And before you ask, no I don’t (care about Owain Hughes).
All of Smithy Gavin’s mates that aren’t Deano
Glorified extras. Including Budgie and Fingers in this dump, even if they are fit.
Essential but I don’t really like them tier
Truly bored shitless, but not a villain like his evil wife.
It’s a shame Dave gets made into a bit of a stepdad dick head in the final season, because he’s a bit of a laugh before that. Nessa never loved him, and neither did we. But he’s a needed roadblock.
I do not hate Smithy as much as I should considering he’s played by James pigging Corden, but he’s still the most overrated fella on the whole show. No one would be friends with this buffoon. He’s such a dick head. The favourite character of boring straight people with no sense of humour.
Unimportant (but I’m fond of them) tier
Ar Sheridan starred as Smithy’s sister before she became the ITV drama go to girly, and when she was still dating James Corden (cursed). I always enjoy her carnage, even if she’s a pretty minor character.
Love him so much, and not to sound like those weird girlies on the internet who never really grew out of their Horrible Histories Mathew Baynton obsession – but he’s so cute. Aw.
Not that funny but great in other ways tier
“If we invite Bryn, we’ve got to invite Gwyn.” Yes you do. This show without Gwen would not be a show worth watching – an omelette flipping mother to us all. No, she doesn’t have me howling laughing or quoting her endlessly, but she does have my heart.
PHWOAR!!! I fancy Mick Shipman so much and I don’t care who knows it! Not a sidesplitter, he’s the Essex Gwen. His presence makes Pam’s funnier.
Great tier
So many funny moments that make Bryn and all his weird quirks so special. I think my fave Bryn moment ever is when he does the trial interview with Stacey for her job. Not sure if that’s because he traumatises her and it brings me joy, or if it’s because it’s hilarious when he calls himself “Declan… McPartlin.”
The brilliance of Doris is the show never overuses her. She comes when she comes, has an iconic scene and leaves us gagging for more. Whether she’s flipping off Jean at the barn dance, “where’s the salad”-ing or singing a timeless rendition of There Is A Light That Never Goes Out – Doris is perfect. Rest in peace to a sex positive icon.
Dawn and Pete
In the same world as Doris, Dawn and Pete’s presence is never done too much. Their amazingness works because of how incredible Adrian Scarborough and the incomparable Julia Davis are as actors – if you’ve never seen the behind the scenes special and witnessed their chemistry as mates off camera I suggest you do so URGENTLY. When ranking Gavin and Stacey characters it’s easy to see why these two are such fan faves. Absolutely golden. Poison dwarf!
OH! Simply put, Nessa IS Gavin and Stacey. Ruth Jones’ writing is perfect, her characterisation golden. I love that the show just gets more and more surreal with Nessa’s random anecdotes and history. Her life could have 80 million spin-offs and all would be fascinating. Noel from Hear’Say and John Prescott at her and Dave’s wedding will never not be funny.
Oh my Christ! If Pam isn’t ranking at the top of your Gavin and Stacey characters tier list, you and me are going to fall out today Michael! Every note of Pam is perfect, and Alison Steadman makes her legendary in every scene. There are too many funny moments to name, but Three Steaks Pam (viz a viz chips) is probs my favourite. I love when she gets sayings wrong (No way, blasé) and I love when she despises Smithy’s mum. She’s a gay icon.
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