Aberdeen University societies hosted first Poetry Slam Night

‘I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up’

Aberdeen University Feminist Society, Creative Writing Society and LQBTQIA + Society hosted a Poetry Slam Night yesterday.

The first Poetry Slam of it’s kind took place at the Blue Lamp, a charming pub in Aberdeen’s city centre.

Just about twenty performers, students (from Aberdeen University and RGU) and mostly members of one of the three societies, signed up and submitted the topic of their work beforehand. From extroverts to more insecure individuals, everyone seemed to have put their heart and soul into the presented poems.

All in all, the event was absolutely fantastic and revealed many hidden talents amongst our ranks. Poetry, music and drinks made for the ultimate Tuesday night entertainment.

Don’t worry if you’ve missed it, here’s a brief roundup for you.

A vivacious night of catchy rhymes was kicked off by the president of the Feminist Society Aylin, who was also host of the event. The venue, illuminated with candles, guaranteed for the perfect ‘slamming’-atmosphere. The next couple of hours were filled with humorous and heartfelt personal stories, social commentaries and stand-up comedy.

For those of you, who have no experience with neither witnessing, nor participating in a Poetry Slam, it is storytelling with a rhythm after a short introduction, as: “Hi, I’m Jeremy. I write short, shitty poems about love, depression and drugs.”

Special credit to Chris from the Creative Writing Society, who contributed a beautiful love poem.

There was a range from self-written work to performing pieces by other poets and a variety of topics, such as love, life, depression, friendship, university experience and many more. Pure and authentic!

Credit also to everyone, who did their first attempts on poetry and absolutely went to town with it.

A final mention to Nkenna for ‘slamming’ about racism in America, very well worded and a highly relevant topic.

The buzzing and exceedingly interactive audience was treated to an open-mic session filled with live music and more poetry after all performances were delivered. The end of the night even revealed a spontaneous dance performance on stage.

Congratulations to everyone, who organised the brilliant event, which raised money for the charity Room to Read, making possible and encouraging reading in developing countries.

Finally, one of the most memorable quotes of the night by Martin: “To end it on a hopeful note, (…) I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up.”

That said, the next Poetry Slam Night is not to be missed.