13 things that will happen to you whilst living in Aberdeen
Watch out for the winged rats
If you're new to Aberdeen and want to know what to expect then you've come to the right place. Moving up north can be a daunting experience but knowing what you've gotten yourself into can give you some comfort in this scary, grey city.
1. You'll realise that EVERYTHING is grey
It's not called the granite city for nothing. On a dull day it can sometimes feel like you're living in a black and white film, making the dreichest of days seem even more miserable. On the rare occasion that the sun does shine, the eagle eyed among us might notice a glint of silver sparkle.
50 shades of grey?
2. Unprovoked seagull attacks
They're taking over. Everywhere you look there are seagulls, aka 'winged rats'. Aberdonian seagulls are a new breed. They are totally fearless, vicious creatures with no qualms about stealing whatever delicious treat you're munching on. They might even use your head as a perch to help them snatch it.
Rise of the Planet of the Seagulls
3. Spend your entire life savings at The Mothership
Aberdeen University's adopted Students' Union is one of the city's most famous landmarks. Ask anyone who's ever lived in the city and without doubt they will have fond memories of the Bobbin. Reasonably priced drink, great food and even better craic. It's near enough impossible to live in Aberdeen without visiting.
Wing Wednesday anyone?
4. No one will ever willingly come and visit
Nestled away at the north-east of the country, it's literally miles away from anything. Despite the plentiful train and bus services that are available for your loved ones to come see you, it's unlikely they ever will as it's "too far to travel for just a weekend". It's time to say goodbye to everyone you used to know and love. However, you'll make even better friends in Aberdeen, who will soon be just like family.
Even on snap maps everyone's far away
5. You'll forget that Aberdeen's a coastal city
A mere 20-minute walk from King Street lies Aberdeen's beautiful beach. It takes most students a good few months to actually visit the beach as it slips their minds that it even exists. It's a mystery why more students don't spend their days down by the many ice cream shops, soaking up the sea air.
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside
6. You'll develop a deep-rooted love for Belmont Kebab Shop
A staple part of any night out is the food and Belmont Kebab does not fail to impress. A student fave and for all the right reasons. You can catch the staff in Atik tanning VKs at 2am and at the shop by 3, covering your pizza and chips in garlic sauce.
Always ask for more garlic sauce
7. You'll love the nightlife
For a small city, there's an abundance of club nights and there's something for everyone. Student faves include Carwash Tuesdays, Skite Wednesdays and Rare Thursdays. But frankly, with enough drink, any night in Aberdeen is a good night.
8. It is impossible to avoid people
Aberdeen isn't the biggest city in the world, and the student population isn't massive either. This means, if there's someone you reeeeally don't want to bump into, it's inevitable that you will. Whether it's on a night out, in the pub or just about town or on campus, you will definitely be seeing them again.
Quick hide
9. You'll almost trip to your death on the cobbles
Who knew that cobbles were so slippery? If you're not wearing shoes with a good grip on one of Aberdeen's rainy/frosty days then the chances of falling flat on your arse are high. You'll be sliding about the place grabbing onto anything (and anyone) that's gonna keep you upright. Expect a few scraped knees and mild humiliation.
Photo taken mid-fall
10. Shakes 'n' Cakes will become your new best friend
Stressed is just desserts spelled backwards right? For celebrations, for pity parties or you just fancy a tango ice blast without the cinema price tag, Shakes 'n' Cakes is there to help you through. Be prepared to spend whatever spare change you have on their delicious desserts. And they deliver. Sweet.
11. You'll need to invest in a warm coat
It really is as cold as everyone says it is. Being on average five degrees colder than the rest of the country, it can get just a tad nippy during the winter. However, you're pretty much guaranteed to see at least a flurry of snow every year. Just make sure you wrap up warm.
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
12. It'll take you a while to understand the dialect
The Aberdonian accent is unlike any other regional Scottish accent. You'll be left wondering what on earth you've just been talking about and politely nodding and smiling whilst throwing in the occasional "haha, yeah". A taxi ride feels like a high school French listening exercise and you just pray you end up where you want to be. "Fit ye like???" What does that even mean?!?!
RGU students needed a dictionary to understand the slang
13. You end up loving it
Despite it's flaws, you'll grow to love the Granite City and it's people. You'll likely meet people that'll become your own little Aberdonian fam. It's such a friendly and exciting city with plenty going on to keep you occupied and there's so much roundabout to visit and explore.