Here are all the Aberdeen bars applying for a 3am licence
Ditch the club, hit the pub
Some of Aberdeen's student faves have applied for 3am licences following the proposal by Aberdeen City Council back in November.
Paramount, Triplekirks, Brewdog and the Spiritualist have all put in applications for the new later licenses, which are being considered by the licensing board next Tuesday.
Prinicpal environmental health officer, Andrew Gilchirst, said in a letter to the licensing board that, "As there is no significant history of noise nuisance from these premises I have no substantive evidence to challenge the grant of this application. However I would seek reassurance that a management plan will be provided that effectively addresses the potential impact to neighbouring residents".
It is thought that if the later licenses are implemented at these venues there will be increased security measures, such as door stewards, CCTV and radio links with other nearby venues.
The move to introduce later licenses for pubs has been met with criticism from the city's club owners. The Aberdeen Licensed Trade Association (ALTA) have said that the new licenses will have detrimental effect to the clubs of Aberdeen.
ALTA say that reduced footfall in the city's nightclubs could result in closures and tour promoters skipping the city altogether. Club owners across the city are calling for the licensing scheme to be reconsidered and some are even calling for nightclub licensing hours to be extended to compensate.
We'll keep you updated on the results of these appliactions, so keep your fingers crossed that you can swap late night jager-bombs at Underground for swanky cocktails at the Spiritualist.