Aberdeen MedSoc might get kicked out of uni for crashing wedding
The investigation took four months
Aberdeen University has referred a number of medical students to a "fitness to practice" watchdog after their drunk rampage ruined a couple's wedding.
The university’s "fitness to practice" declaration states it retains the right to terminate the studies of students whose “conduct falls below the standard expected by the public, the University, and the General Medical Council.”
In November 2018 the Medical Society crashed a couple's wedding reception at the DoubleTree Hilton Treetops hotel. Guests at the wedding reception told the BBC they were left feeling intimidated and scared. It is alleged that guests were threatened and property was damaged.
Lee and Lucy Gilray held their reception in the Aberdeen hotel at the same time as the MedSoc ball organised by Aberdeen University students took place in the venue.
The event spiralled out of control and left the other guests frightened and feeling threatened. The groom's grandmother was taken to hospital after falling down the stairs in an attempt to escape the students.
It took the university four months to complete their their investigation, which concluded yesterday.
A spokeswoman for the yniversity said: “Our investigation under the Code of Practice on Student Discipline has found that the behaviour shown by some guests fell way below the standards we expect from our students.
“We have worked with the Medical Society to ensure that those involved are fully aware of the consequences of their actions, which caused unacceptable alarm and distress.
“The process of pointing out misconduct, and how it has been perceived by others, through our investigation has been instructive to both students and doctors.
“A number of ball attendees have also been referred for consideration under the Medical School’s fitness to practice process which focuses on standards of professionalism.
“We would like to thank those affected for their time and assistance in our investigation into what has been a deeply regrettable experience for them.”
A spokesperson for the Medical Society has since apologised on the society's behalf, saying: "We were deeply saddened by what occurred and have sent our sincere apologies to the family.
“The society strongly condemns anti-social behaviour of any kind. We will continue to work with the university to minimise the likelihood of issues of this kind happening again.”