Watch out, mumps is about in Aberdeen
No one wants a puffy face for a Wednesday night Skite
Some of us here in Aberdeen may have brought back more than a tale of a New Year’s Kiss with us from our Christmas holidays.
Mumps is BACK and is being passed from student to student at the University of Aberdeen.
The common viral infection is accompanied with painful swelling of the face (the parotid salivary glands) and a poorly mix of symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite and muscle pain.
The above graphic has been displayed across uni campuses and featured in the Student Life email newsletters along with the message:
"Some health problems, such as, colds, flu and mumps can be worsened by cold weather. Mumps can bring serious health complications. Anyone who has not received the MMR vaccination as a child, or has only received one of the two recommended doses should contact their GP and get vaccinated immediately."

Spotted in the Regent Building
Mumps is spread through not only saliva but sneezing and coughing. The NHS website suggests that a person is the most contagious the days before and after the symptoms develop.
Symptoms often do not arise until 12 days or more after infection, so it may be worth being on high alert if you got a cheeky pull at Atik two Skites ago!
The risk of contagion is also rife amongst friendship groups, especially those who share living spaces and also drinks on nights out.
We spoke to one UoA student who told us, "I was first exposed to mumps when home from university, after one member of the friendship group started showing signs of mumps. It was agreed between us that if we were to all contract mumps – after sharing drinks at pres the week before – that we were to all go to the pub and suffer together over a few pints."
"Returning to university, I was horrified that my escape from my home town strand of mumps was about to be ruined by my Aberdeen friendship group.
Now with another friend from uni returning home with mumps symptoms, it's looking like I'll be biting my fingernails for the next two weeks."

Not your usual before and after pics
Once the mumps is in full affect, you can expect the swelling and other symptoms to be gone in 1 to 2 weeks. The NHS recommends plenty of rest, fluids and over-the-counter painkillers.
They also suggest using warm and cool compresses and avoiding foods that require a lot of chewing.
The University of Aberdeen told the Tab that, "Students are encouraged to ensure they are up-to-date with their MMR vaccines.
If any student or member of staff is concerned that they may have contracted mumps, they should not attend University and should seek advice from their GP by telephone or NHS 24."
One things for sure, we won't be playing flip cup at pres anytime soon.