Vote for the most influential person at Aberystwyth University

Your nominations for The Tab Aberywtwyth’s Power List

We asked you to nominate the most influential people in Aber for the Tab Power list 2017, and now the results are in. Here are your nominees and why their fellow Aber students believe they should make the list:

Tasha Lewis, English, second year

“World’s greatest social sec and all round bae ❄️.”

Ed Swan, Agriculture, third year

“President of the Agriculture society and the shooting society.”

Pasi Chi, Artificial intelligence and robotics, second year

“He has recently left aber but is still registered as a student till end of this semester. I think it would be criminal for us not to acknowledge the fact that he started the universities biggest and most poplar society – Tipsy Dragon.

“He put on the biggest maddest parties, he used his influence to even close down YikYak for a week, he started the universities largest study group in CompSci. He gets applauded when he walks into lectures, he built a library robot which has has over 50 000 views on Facebook.

“He is controversial, but love him or hate him, he is Pasi Chi.”

James Tandy, Computer science, foundation year

“Archery Soc Social Secretary – always seshing and an all round inspirational guy.”

Jack Reed, Computer Science, Third Year

“Jack Reed truly is a vintage bnoc. Before there was tipsy dragon, there was the 2013 applicant group. The members of that group made up the bnocs for a good couple of years, but founder Jack is perhaps the last one left at aber””

Hopcyn Matthews, Geography, third year

“President of the largest sports club on campus, tall as hell and seems to know everybody.”

Giacomo Fiderio

“He is dank. Very very dank. Makes dank metal.”

Orla Lenehan, Geography, 3rd year

“Orla is lovely and is always there for everyone. She’s always up for a party or ready for an adventure. Whenever you’re low, she’s there for you with a bag of crisps and dip and a can of Spar’s own brand cider! She’s the only brummie I like! TEAM Orla!”

Tom Holloway, International Politics, 2nd year

“Social Sec of Aberystwyth Lacrosse – most improved team with the biggest social nights”

“Known as Aberystwyth sesh lord, he’s always in Downies drinking gay admirals or swiping right on your girl on tinder. He’s the best looking shortest-tall-man in Aber and – despite being a sesh gremlin – is a decent, loyal friend who you’d be lucky to make acquaintances with whilst peeing next to him in Yokos toilets.”

Chloe Nolan, Media and Communications, third year

“Social butterfly, Angry Irish midget, likes a drink”

Annie Moore, Marine and freshwater biology, third year

“Annie has done nothing but achieve her goals. She was in a wheelchair for part of her degree following a car accident and continued on with Uni. She lost her hair and raised £2500 for MS society. She recently ran Cardiff half marathon all whilst being kind and generous to every person she meets. Whenever Annie meets someone new she greets them as ‘Hello friend’. She is one of the happiest and friendliest people despite having constant pain. She won’t let anything get in her path and she deserves to be recognised for being amazing!”

Alex Hubbard, English and Creative writing, second year

“Writes for student media and has a radio show, runs all english events and is known by everyone in the department. A man very much spoken about, ask anyone in the department or further. General department poster boy and snapchat curator. Needs to be on the list.”

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