It’s official: Northern Irish is the sexiest accent in the UK

So it is

It’s the accent that makes everyone go in for the shift.

A recent Asda poll has resulted in Northern Ireland being voted sexiest accent in the UK, beating the likes of Scottish, Geordie and er, the Queen’s English.

The survey saw 12 accents from across the UK ranked in order of sexiness by over 2,000 people, and with 17% of the vote, it was the cool Celtic tones that had people falling head over heels. Is it any wonder with smooth talkers Liam Neeson and Jamie Dornan hailing from the Emerald Isle?

English third year and Norn Iron native Grainne McKinney said: “The smooth dulcet tones of a boy from the Falls is music to my ears”

However, it is a topic that has divided opinion.

When asked if the Northern Irish accent is in fact the sexiest Niamh Campbell, an English student from Dungannon, responded “is it fuck”.

The recent survey listed Scottish as the second hottest and Essex as the least sexiest accent in the UK.

History third year Charlotte Atkinson thought that the Northern Irish accent was “pure shtinkin’” before adding, “but I understand why some people would find it attractive.”

So sexy

London lad and English second year Adam Riley said: “I definitely agree, it can’t be explained, the Northern Irish accent just can’t be beaten”

Cormac McDermott, Queen’s grad, local legend and valid representative of the accent said: “Internationally our accent has been getting praise, first frost bit, then the tonight show with Jamie Dornan and now this poll.

The South need to come to terms with the fact that the North now has the best accent on this island, they had their day in the sun, now it’s our turn, and we brought our factor 50″

The UK seem to particularly like the brogue tones of Northern Ireland.

And who could blame them?