University Library is gay cruising hotspot

A reputable gay cruising website has identified our Main Library as a hotspot.

You might think there’s little more to be found in the library than books and computers, but new evidence suggests otherwise.

Birmingham’s University Library is officially a gay cruising hotspot, The Tab can reveal.

You’ll find more than books in here… – a reputable website dedicated to decoding the art of anonymous gay hookups – has identified the library in Edgbaston as the crème de la crème of gay cruising.

For the uninitiated, The Tab refers you to Urban Dictionary’s definition:

The website tells those on the lookout to expect “student fun,” but warns non-students that  they “need [a] library card to get in” after 5pm.

Next time you catch a stranger’s eye while perusing the stacks, it could lead to more than you imagined…