BNOC of the Year group One
The BNOC’s have arrived and they did not disappoint. Vote for your fav to be crowned The Tab’s ‘BNOC of the Year’
Felipe ‘Pepe’ Sturgis
You may know this guy from behind the reception desk at the guild, you may know him from his “rainbow adventures”…or maybe you’ve just picked up his name in the breeze. One thing’s for sure though, a friend reassured The Tab, that “You have heard of Pepe.”
Poppy ‘Poopy’ Wilkinson
Third-year law student Poppy first caught our attention with her misspelt campaign poster. Whether this was intentional or not, she sure kicked up a stink. Our future Guild president was able to share a laugh about the mistake, referring to herself as ‘Poopy’ when she contacted The Tab regarding our article of the misspelt sign. Apparently the article was “against election regulations which state that a candidate cannot seek external endorsement from a body which is not the Guild.”
Adam Paigge
Adam was a Maple Bank RA last year, and one anonymous source told The Tab that he enjoys Seedy Sonics and tends to sport the “hippy” look. The nomination for Adam came from, well, Adam. He said, “He’s a fucking big lad and everyone knows it.” Good on you, Adam.
Oly Sourbut (Unicycle guy)
This guy’s alternative mode of transport has earned him a place amongst the BNOC nominees. You may not know him by name, but chances are you’ve seen him bombing it down Dawlish on a unicycle. He’s even got his own fan page.
Ollie Hance
He’s got big hair and a big Cor Anglais. Ollie Hance has been nominated by a pal who claims that the situation is getting so out of hand,”that It’s getting to the point now where people know who I am because they have seen the two of us together walking around campus. It’s absolutely ridiculous!” If you missed Ollie’s Cor Anglias, perhaps he was clutching onto his Oboe, the other instrument he famously carries around campus.
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