BNOC of the Year Group Four
The final group of BNOCs. Back your big name!
Ollie Cowburn
This is Ollie. He is a second year Geologist. (Watch out Jonny Shi, you’ve got competition.) His pal told The Tab, “you probably know him…literally, I wouldn’t be surprised if you do. Whilst on a standard 5 minute walk from the depths of Selly, past The Goose and to his beloved Lapworth Museum, he encounters an impossible amount of people he knows. It wouldn’t surprise me that he has started to ignore his 1000+ friends whilst walking into Uni.”
Ollie also fancies himself a bit of a hipster, once going to the park in the middle of the night with a guitar. But it’s okay, “Ollie don’t mind, ’cause hippies love everyone and that’s what he is.”
Nick Williams
Station manager for Burn FM, Nick Williams is often found around the guild grasping a pint and trying to increase his personal brand.
A mate told The Tab “you’ll recognize him for his distinctive tramp/hipster stylings, his knackered Doc Martens and jeans contrasting with his shimmering full-bodied head of hair. Though he may shun the BNOC label, deep down he is merely seeking approval.”
The talismanic UoB rugby flair hooker has become synonymous across campus for his large beard and large personality.
His appetite for drinking is proven by holding the UoB Rugby record for most pints held down, whilst his first year antics often left a devastating aftermath. His all round care-free and ‘YOLO’-esque attitude encapsulates the BNOC mantra.
Known to his friends as ‘Grim’, ‘Germ’, ‘Sperm’ or ‘Lockomotiv Gus’, Gus looks to continue ‘The Mcsporran Dream’ as he ploughs his trade in france next year as he travels to Lyon for a year abroad. A close friend told The Tab, “He is a big personality who will be sorely missed.” N’aw!
Zuki Majuqwana
Known as Zuki ‘Anaconda’ Majuqwana, Zuki Magicwand or Zuki ‘Suzuki’ Majuqwana. Zuki was the VP Housing and Community, with the influential campaign, ‘Zuki says Relax’. He is also rumoured to be responsible for the newsflash that was the wheelie bins in Selly Oak. Apparently Zuki is popular with the ladies, and a friend told The Tab, “I think we can all guess how he got his Anaconda nickname!”
He also looks a bit like moss from the IT crowd.
James Hocking
Resident Edgy Boy Birmingham James Hocking came to university a Cornish lad and will leave as a fully-fledged BNOC, whether he wins this competition or not.
‘DJ Hock Hock’, as he is also known as, can often be found at the Rainbow Warehouse “wearing Nike hi-tops that can only be found on eBay and an alternative tee, ‘bookending’ big nights with his sets at 10pm or 6am. It’s appearances like these that have really got his name out there.”
A mate told The Tab, “he recently had 119 likes on a profile picture of him and a teddy bear. I mean, come on.”
Chazz Redhead
Chazz Redhead is a notorious figure in Guild Drama. He’s in his fourth year at uni studying playwriting, but who knows how he manages to keep up his degree. Chazz has allegedly been in 50 plays since he came to UoB. Rarely a day goes by where you won’t see his grinning face in the Guild. A mate told The Tab “we have our suspicions that Chazz is the proud owner of a time turner, much like Hermione Granger, which is why he is always there.”
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