What’s On: Week 7

Reviews editor Ciara rounds up this week’s events

Monday 11th

GMTG EGM, Including proposals for a student written show that members can vote on, to be performed in term 2: 17:00-20:00 Bryn Gough Room, Guild of Students.

Monday Madness! with Spencer Matthews: 23:00-03:00 The Hub, Birmingham City Centre.

Writers’ Bloc presents Scribble Kicks (ft. ‘We Are Poets’ screening): 19:00 Hexagon Theatre, mac, Birmingham.

Watch This presents The Grinch 48 Hour Auditions: 17:00-20:00 Tolkien Room, Guild of Students.

Tuesday 12th

Fruit & Veg Bake – Carrot Cake with the Baking Society: 19:30 Oasis Kitchen, The Chaplaincy.

Wednesday 13th

Watch This presents The Grinch 48 Hour Auditions: 14:00-17:00 Tolkien Room, Guild of Students.

Careers in Theatre and the Arts event featuring speakers from different theatres and arts organisations, including: The REP, Mouthpiece Management, Heartbreak productions, the MAC and Birmingham Royal Ballet: 13:30-15:30 George Cadbury Hall, Selly Oak Campus. Book your place.

Study Abroad Fair: 12:00-15:00 Great Hall, Aston Webb Building.

Thursday 14th

Carnival Rag presents ENIGMA 21st Birthday Edition: 19:00 ‘2 CITIES. 8 COACHES. NO LIMITS.’

Infinity Stage Company presents Blue/Orange by Joe Penhall: 19:30 14th-16th November. Debating Hall, Guild of Students.

Friday 15th

This is Tmrw presents All Years Leaving Festival: 18:00 15th-16th November. The Hare & Hounds, Kings Heath.

EDACS Quiz Night: 20:30 Venue TBC. Students have the opportunity to sign up for the iQuiz

Saturday 16th

Global Sunrise charity gig: 19:30 The Lounge, Bristol Road.