SNEAK PREVIEW: Rag’s Society Naked Calendar 2014

It’s the Rag 2014 Naked Calendar!

The Tab has managed to get a cheeky sneak peek at these behind-the-scenes pics from Carnival Rag’s 2014 Society Naked Calendar…

The calendar was organised by Carnival Rag and features a variety of Guild societies. (Hannah Myerson (Tab legend) organised the nude affair and told us, “we know the sports teams do it so we wanted to give some of the other societies a chance to get naked!”

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The money made from the calendar will be split between six charities; Dementia UK, Meningitis Research Foundation, The Children’s Society, Nightline, Prostate Cancer UK and React.


Brumski bods

Carnival Cuties Jenny, Hannah and Ranya

Guild TV

The Tab’s Torin Pocock and radio pals for Burn FM

But these photos are just a taster of what’s to come. For the final product, you’ll just have to grab a copy yourself when they go on sale next week!

Photography: Michael Jevon and Jack Collins

Calendar Sponsored by Selly Joke