Drama Queens: UoB takes the theatrical spotlight!
UoB is number one for all things theatrical according to the new Guardian league table
University of Birmingham has topped the Guardian League tables for Drama 2015.
According to the new Guardian league table, Birmingham has been awarded top position for Drama and Dance.
The high rates in all fields is an accurate reflection of the excellent standard of Drama available to students.
What do we have to say on the subject? To Be or Not To Be … It was definitely meant To Be!
‘Doth my eyes deceive me?’ ‘NO, twas meant to be UoB for dramatic success!’
UoB has gone up five positions from last year when it was ranked 5th in the UK.
It steals the spotlight from previous top dogs Lancaster and the Trinity Laban Conservatoire, while the universities of Surrey, Essex and UEA have also shot up the league table
It appears that it is UoB’s moment to bask in the glory, as the league table shows that student satisfaction with the course and teaching is statistically ranked well into the 90’s.
Laid bare for UoB’s theatrical talent: The theatre at George Cadbury Hall.
Overall satisfaction is definitely underlined by the fantastic Drama campus hidden away from the bustle of subject-central main campus.
Having its own campus gives UoB’s Drama department it’s edge. The Theatre in George Cadbury Hall is a secret gem that all Drama students have access to and the chance to perform in throughout their course years.
The University also boasts all year round student productions and maintains excellent links with theatre companies in and around Brum- a reflection of the excellent drama and theatre produced here.
A scene of atmospheric effect on all levels in UoB’s last third year production of 2014.
A Winter’s Tale: The prestigious entrance to George Cadbury Hall in last year’s snow!
On seeing the new rankings, drama student Brooklyn Barber said: “I made the best choice to study at Birmingham, especially now as we’re ranked first!
“The whole department is fantastic and so far I’ve had an incredible experience. I’m really looking forward to continuing next year.”
Another Drama student, Amy Gornall said: “The position is thoroughly deserved, being top in the country for Drama is amazing and UoB definitely deserves the faultless score given by the Guardian.”
A scene of atmospheric effect on all levels in UoB’s last third year production of 2014.
UoB certainly shines in all areas according to the Guardian’s more general review, and we’re sure our brummie thespians will be only too pleased to see that the second largest city in the country holds the number one position for Drama!
Drama students thrilled to know they’re not mere muggles at Mark Williams a.k.a Arthur Weasley’s talk at UoB!
Photography courtesy of David Crisp and Drama and Theatre Arts Department, University of Birmingham.
Production Photos in order: Trust Not Your Daughter’s Minds February 2014, Kindertransport December 2013, Mary Shelley March 2014.