Freshers will fork out £2 million in two week blow-out
Brace yourselves Freshers. This year’s Welcome Week will run into the millions
First years will spend a whopping £2 million in Freshers’ Week, The Tab can reveal.
You can expect to splash over £360 on 10 nights out- of which 60 per cent will be spent on booze.
And as 5,500 freshers prepare for their first taste of freedom, you should budget no less than £30 a night if you plan on making the most of it.
The Tab calculated all costs based on the assumption all freshers would:
• Buy the Freshers’ Fest Plus package and go on all 10 nights out.
• Predrink 35cl of Tesco’s Imperial Vodka and Pepsi each night
• Buy five double vodka mixers once out
• Share a cab between four people from The Vale to Broad Street and back
• Devour a Pit Stop kebab every night
And that’s not even taking into account an extra £4.89 for the next day’s Big Mac meal hangover cure and a packet of paracetamol.
Definitely lovin’ it.
After hearing the spending figures, first-year music student, Emily Harris, said:”When I go on a night out with my friends I would usually spend around £50, so I will be saving £200 over the ten nights according to these averages.
“I think I will allow myself to spend more in Freshers’ Week, but I will be thinking about how much I am spending every evening.”
However some freshers are hoping they can beat the trend, including computer engineering student, Guy Coop.
“Not including the cost of the ticket I expect £10 to £15 for a night out” he said.
“I tend to try to aim for a budget but I’m not worried about spending more if I have to.”
Regardless of the few scrimpers and savers who manage to cut the costs, Fresher’s can expect this year’s blowout to be the most expensive to date.