In defence of drinking alone: Why we should all be doing it
I don’t judge your hobbies, so don’t judge mine
We all enjoy a nice tipple every once in a while.
A glass of wine at the weekend, a cheeky vodka and coke after lunch or a beer while you’re struggling through an essay.
And hey, who hasn’t woken up with a craving for cocktails at 11am? Definitely guilty.
What’s the problem?
Take your pick
The second you say you enjoy drinking alone, people just assume you actually have a problem – even when you’re a student, you’re met with the strangest looks.
We’re definitely not alcoholics.
Alcoholics need a drink… but I already have one.
Why shouldn’t I?
Drinking socially is possibly one of the most encouraged aspects of uni life. How many times have you attempted a sober night out, only to be pressured into drinking, or just realise that sober nights really aren’t worth it. Has anyone actually enjoyed Fab sober?
Yet the second you admit to drinking alone, you are judged. Face it.
Now I don’t mean a “let’s get smashed in the middle of the day” approach – although we can totally forget that rule when it comes to exams – but there’s nothing wrong with sitting with a glass of something on your own at the end of the day.
Who doesn’t dream of this being a permanent part of their life?
There are so many reasons why drinking alone is to be actively encouraged. Price is just one of these. Seriously. You’re drinking for one, so no need to splurge out on drinks for everyone to enjoy.
Alternately, spend the same amount of money you would on your friends for just you, and treat yourself. Two for one cocktails? Just have them both. That’s a great life philosophy right there.
Another reason drinking alone is great is the question (or lack thereof) of location. Stuck in your room writing an essay or sitting in the comfort of your living room is just about as simple as it gets. Don’t know what to wear? No issue, you can’t judge yourself for sitting in PJs and drinking a beer.
Drink what you want, when you want – what’s not to like?
Come dine with me and wine alone is student life, right?
Also, by this point in term, you’re probably fed up of spending nights sitting in your room and writing essays, or making what seems like endless notes. Have a few drinks and suddenly it won’t seem so boring. Alcohol can even make stats or Chaucer an entertaining evening. Plus, chemically speaking, alcohol IS a solution.
You might even be able to trick yourself you’re on holiday and your workload doesn’t actually exist (again, guilty).
And not that you need telling, but alcohol does help you sleep. A glass of wine before bed is guaranteed to at least make you sleepy. Noisy neighbours? No worries, you’ll sleep soundly and wake up well rested.
It’s even been scientifically proven that alcohol helps to improve memory and retention rates, so don’t feel guilty for pouring a glass of wine while you write an essay. And if scientists say it, it must be true.
If you drink alone, you WILL sleep better
Drinking alone gets a lot of bad press, but I don’t think it should. The student stereotype that we’re all alcoholics is couldn’t be further from the truth. We just know there are few problems that can’t be resolved by a good couple of Rekorderligs (or Aldi equivalent). In the midst of essays, deadline pressure and mounting piles of work experience rejection slips, is that really too much to ask?
And if the pressure of uni gets too much, just remember the golden mantra of those who fly the Frosty Jack’s flag solo: drinking will always, always be cheaper than therapy.
Cocktails for one?